You decide to get fit and save money whilst doing so. You recognize there aren’t enough hours in the day. You make a vow to get fit now on a schedule and throw a bit more money at the problem.
This is a triple duty solution to a fitness emergency and you heard it here first.
How to Get Fit Whilst Saving Time and Money, Part 1
If you’re an employee and travel to an office, perhaps walking to work is an option. I commute but don’t go to the office every day.
The equipment needed for a new walking programme are one or more pairs of good quality trainers or hiking boots and a hooded rain cloak.
Walking Programme
Okay, you’re quite right. You need to know how far away I live from the office before deciding if this is a good plan.
I’m about a 20 minute walk from where I work, so…
- Pros: Inexpensive and won’t overtax my presently unfit body.
- Cons: Since I usually drive to work now, I’ve got to get up earlier than usual and allow more time to walk to work.
- Cons : Walking can hurt your feet, especially if you don’t have the right shoes. You can find more about getting a shoe that is comfortable enough to walk each day on
Let’s say my girlfriend gets the urge to move house. She took me for a stroll through the forest last weekend and we talked about green living. The catch is that said green living is a bit of a ways away. I would be be stuck in traffic for about an extra hour per day!
Bottom line: I’d spend more time and money with fewer hours to exercise. I’d need to delay the urgent need to get fit or agree to wake up at 4:00am at least three days a week. Not going to happen.
This plan’s a no-can-do.
How to Get Fit Whilst Saving Time and Money, Part 2
How many of us really want to get off the commuting to the office treadmill? Show of hands, please.
Yes, almost everyone wants to stop the madness and reclaim time and cost of getting to work. If you can swing it, see if you can convince the boss-lady to let you work from your home-office every other day.
This reclaims at least two hours a day (six hours a week) and a substantial amount in commute costs. Enough time and money to carve out a fitness programme and devote more energy to improving my work and life game.
Moving On… via Bike
Working for myself is a future goal, but I’m not quite ready to quit my job. In the interim, here’s an idea that accomplishes the aforementioned goals of saving time and money whilst regaining a waist.
I read about the Cyclescheme and realized this is my solution. I can get a mountain bike and cycle to work to save time, money, and improve my body. Believe me, you’ve got no excuses not to bike to work. Places like Cyclescheme enables the purchase of a bike – the healthy transportation options – at up to forty-two percent off.
My employer is signed up Cyclescheme and they deduct the funds from salary. If one’s employer isn’t signed up, it’s easy.
Here’s how it works:
1. Sign up after getting a quote.
2. Select an approved Cyclescheme shop.
3. Leisure Lakes Bikes is an example of an approved Cyclescheme shop. They offer free bike delivery anywhere in the UK and offer many other reasons to choose their services.
That’s it, simple.
Like I said, there’s no good excuse not to get healthier, and cycling to work is one of the easiest options you can try.