Safe Travels With The Portable Water & Surface Sanitizer

I’ve had my share of bad experiences with poor water quality when traveling. In Pakistan, I drank bottled Nestle water for a month and one of the bottles had a very different taste compared to the others. I wasn’t too sure about it and being a dumb ass – I drank it anyway. Sure enough, I had the runs for the next 36 hours or so. The bottle must have been tampered with and refilled.

Getting sick while traveling is part of the experience but I think most people would like to avoid it. One great way to avoid the incident I experienced is to invest a few dollars in the Portable Water and Surface Sanitizer. The device uses similar technology that is used to sanitize hospital instruments.

Portable sanitizer for water and surfaces

The sanitizer is capable of eliminating up to 99.9% of germs from water and surfaces. The device emits UV-A and UV-C light which are capable of penetrating bacterial membranes and destroying their DNA as well as killing harmful microorganisms such as E. Coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus.

Not only does it make water safe to drink but it does it in record time. It can sanitize surfaces in as little as ten seconds and purify two cups of water in only 40 seconds after the wand attachment is inserted into the water. There is an LCD display which shows the progress and a count down timer displaying how much time is left under the surface or water is sanitized. The sanitizer uses four AAA batteries which are included in the $99.95 price tag. The Portable Water and Surface Sanitizer can be purchased at Hammacher Schlemmer.



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Eddie is a writer covering men's lifestyle topics for Unfinished Man. With a business degree and passion for writing, he provides reviews on the latest cars, gadgets, and other interests for today's man. Eddie crafts entertaining and informative articles aimed at helping readers live their best lives.

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