Mad Men YouTube Game: Choose Your Own Manly, Boozy Adventure

After 17 months away, the smash hit Mad Men has finally come back for a fifth season, and most of us have been dying without our supplementary vicarious intake of sharp suits, work day drinking, and hapless floozies. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the life of Don Draper for a day? With this fantastic 8bit Mad Men YouTube game, you can make all the important decisions, like which secretary to despoil or where you’ll black out for the night. 

Mad Men YouTube Game: Choose Wisely, or Don Might Settle Down

mad men youtube gameThis stellar looking ‘game’ features both music and animations from artist doctor octoroc  (Levi Buffum), and was created by The Fine Brothers. To play the game, you watch a short animated clip of Don Draper’s day to day activities, and are then presented with choices in the form of video links. Your choices will lead you through a sequence of events that have the possibility for three different endings. Since we can’t all be dashing, haunted Drapers in real life (which is probably for the best considering how Don’s mental state is these days) content yourself with making a mess of his animated life. Thankfully, in an 8bit world, screwing up your existence and everyone else’s is fixed as simply as reloading a video clip. Enjoy the first video of the Mad Men YouTube Game below, or just scroll down for some preview images.

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Author, Designer, and "that girl your mother warned you about." Looking good seems to be my job, whether it's working with the site design, or a number of other more interesting capacities. I have a ridiculous sense of humour and a brutal sense of honesty- you'll see a lot of that coming through in my writing, so don't say I didn't warn you if I somehow manage to offend you AND hurt your feelings at the same time. On the plus side, it makes my dating and advice columns a lot more pertinent to an unfinished man in the real world.

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