How Does the Lymphatic System Affect Your Appearance?

What exactly, you may ask, is the lymphatic system? And how does it affect your appearance? To clarify, the lymphatic system is the fluid drainage system of the body. That is to say, it is responsible for draining excess liquid – often referred to as lymphatic fluid – from our cells into our bloodstream. Importantly, lymphatic drainage is an essential element in the regulation of fluids throughout the body, and for maintaining the body at optimal functioning. Just as importantly, when the lymphatic system is not operating properly, this can result in swelling and discomfort throughout the body. As such, it is important to maintain a healthy, functioning lymphatic system, to ensure that both our health and our appearance remain on point. 

Lymphatic Issues: How to Avoid Unsightly Swelling and Discomfort

When your lymphatic system is operating correctly, you can rest assured that your bodily fluids will be well-balanced, detoxified, and regulated. However, people who suffer from a sluggish lymphatic system may experience excessive liquid retention, which in turn can cause unsightly and uncomfortable swelling of the limbs. Lymphatic swelling is most commonly observed in the legs and the arms, however, can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the face. 

Fortunately, some treatments can help lessen the severity of swollen limbs due to lymphatic issues. For example, you can elect to undertake treatments of lymphatic drainage in Melbourne to help ease swelling and reinvigorate your sluggish lymphatic system. Consisting predominantly of manual manipulation of the limbs and body, these drainage treatments assist with lymphatic fluid circulation and encourage decongestion of the lymphatic system. Further, lymphatic drainage can help to reduce swelling of the limbs, thereby enhancing and creating the appearance of a toned, firm, and tightened body.

When Things Go Wrong: Prolonged Lymphatic Issues

While relatively mild lymphatic swelling can be treated and assisted by lymphatic draining massage and other non-invasive treatments, sometimes the issues caused by a struggling Lymphatic System can become altogether more serious. 

For example, prolonged swelling of the limbs and body caused by lymphatic fluid build-up can be a result of a disease known as Lymphedema. Importantly, Lymphedema is caused by severe lymphatic fluid build-up, as well as the body’s inability to decongest itself by draining out harmful toxins and excess liquid. As a result, different parts of the body can become extremely swollen – to the point of causing pain, and in some extreme cases, an inability to move that part of the body. Sadly, there is currently no known cure for Lympadema. However, treatments including lymphatic drainage massage, compression bandages and stockings, and maintaining a healthy, balanced, and non-inflammatory diet can help to ease the symptoms of Lymphedema to some degree. 

Diet Tips: Eating Your Way to Lymphatic Health, and a Healthier, Less Congested Appearance

One of the best ways to regulate and cleanse your Lymphatic System is to make diet and lifestyle changes. By choosing foods that are nutrient-rich and non-inflammatory, you can help ease the symptoms of lymphatic swelling, and cultivate a healthier, less congested appearance! For example, choose foods rich in nutrients and nourishing vitamins – such as leafy green vegetables, legumes, and high-protein sources such as meat, fish, and eggs. Also, it helps to decrease your salt and sodium intake, as consuming this in excess can encourage water retention and as such, swelling of the body. 

Regular exercise will also help with encouraging better lymphatic fluid circulation. It will also help to increase energy levels, as well as decrease excess liquid retention by quite literally ‘sweating it out’. Look into signing up for a gym membership, or even opt for lower-impact cardiovascular exercise such as going for light walks. There is no need to go overboard with your exercise routine – as long as you are moving your body regularly, this will help! Another bonus of exercising regularly is that your appearance could also be improved. In addition to helping with swelling and water retention, an increased level of fitness can have positive carry-over effects on your appearance – you may experience a trimmer waistline, toned legs, and even, start to glow from within!

Unfortunately, it is a known fact that unsightly, uncomfortable swelling of the limbs – such as swollen arms, legs, and other parts of the body – can be the result of poor lymphatic drainage. As such, it is important to keep the lymphatic system in good condition! One way to maintain and regulate lymphatic circulation is through lymphatic drainage massage – which involves manual manipulation of the body to increase circulation and help ease swelling. Swollen limbs can also be helped with compression garments. And of course, a healthy diet and regular exercise also work wonders! However, if you are experiencing excessive symptoms, it is recommended to consult your healthcare professional, as you may be suffering from a lymphatic condition such as Lymphedema. 



Health & Fitness

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Rasha writes about family, parenting, and home décor for Unfinished Man. Drawing from her experiences raising her own kids, she provides tips on creating warm, welcoming spaces. Rasha also shares home staging expertise to help transform houses into magazine-worthy dream homes.

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