Battlefield 4: Story Trailer – Wait, What??!?? Yes, and it Gets Better…

I’m a long, long time fan of the Battlefield series.

In fact, I’ve been playing Battlefield games for so long, that I was actually still in high-school when some of them came out. Note: I’ve been out of high-school for over a decade! I think that gives me a bit of street cred. So when I say that I’ve absolutely never played Battlefield single player in any way, shape or form, well… that’s saying something.

Tell us Chad, Why Haven’t you Played Single Player?

First off, let me tell you two things. For one, yes, there will actually be a payoff to this little rant in just a few moments here, so fear not. Secondly, I’m going to tell you a very brief story that makes me laugh every time I think of it.

I had heard some things about the… quality, of the Battlefield 3 single player campaign, and decided to use that knowledge to pull a prank on a good friend of mine. I told him that when a person completes the single player, they actually unlock a special gun. I was light on the details, and for once in his life he actually believed me and soldiered through the game. The result? A very, very angry friend.

battlefield 4 character face

So to answer your question, the reason I haven’t played single player is because I’ve heard it’s usually very, very bad. That’s why I’m so surprised to feel that tingling sensation when I watch this trailer. That feeling of, I don’t know… quality, but the good kind. Have a watch, and then we’ll chat some more.

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Now, if you ask me, the trailer actually looked pretty great. The sets look fantastic, and the characters look more than fantastic: they absolutely blow Call of Duty out of the water. Then there’s the story, the weak point of the series. That too sounds interesting. So interesting in fact that I’m actually going to break my own rule and give it a try when the game comes out later this month.

You see, I’ve always loved the shit out of Battlefield multiplayer, but finally… after all these years, I’m finally going to jump in and try the multiplayer. In fact, I think that I’m even going to like it.

A Note About Women Folk

You may have noticed a woman in the trailer. In fact, you may have come to the same conclusion that I did: that she’s central to the story. I’m really excited about that for a number of reasons, but mostly because a) she seems as competent as the men and b) this may be a gateway to Dice finally introducing playable female characters in their games.

women in battlefield 4

Do I have a massive urge to play as a chick? No, not really. Do I want to see them equally represented? Yes, absolutely. I’ve always found it a little strange that half the population is often absent when it comes to games. I genuinely doubt it’s because women don’t play games, but that’s a story for another day.




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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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