Twaddler – Finding Tweets Around You the Easy Way

Twitter has been around for many years now, but aside from occasionally browsing the feeds of my idols (such as author William Gibson), I never really got into the whole affair. There’s just so much content pouring out of the Twitter fire-hose, and irrelevant content at that, that I couldn’t hope to wade through it all. But what if there were a website that only displayed Tweets from my area? It turns out there is, and
it’s called Twaddler.

Twaddler is a sort of Twitter filter which only displays tweets in your geographic location, or in a set geographic location that you’ve specified. Any Tweets that are geo-tagged show up, meaning that you can read all about the person eating bacon for breakfast a few streets over, over the drunken woman flashing her tits in the bar down the street. Pretty cool, right? But what can you use it for? Here are a few suggestions:

What should I use Twaddler For?

  • Discovering what people are eating for breakfast in your area. Only recently did I find out that my neighbors were eating bacon for breakfast, and on a Sunday no less!
  • Creeping on women in bars. What drunken woman wouldn’t want to be approached by a person who tracked them down on the internet? If you’re looking to spark long term romantic interest, this is the way to do it.
  • Finding out what the weather is. Many of us can’t afford the luxury of a window or viewing port into the world, and Tweeters are more than happy to tell you all about the weather. Never again will you leave your home, only to be rained on.
  • Learning what people are protesting about in your area. In this modern world of constant strife, there’s always some sort of protest going on. Now you can find out what people are so upset about. If you happen to live in Montreal, or another place where people like to protest in the nude, well… need I explain?
  • Tracking down awesome parties. This is my final suggestion, and perhaps the most important one. People often drunkenly talk about parties that they’re attending, and if they provide details, that’s when you pounce. By the time you show up, people will be so drunk they won’t even realize that you aren’t a friend, and that’s when you can get drunk yourself, drinking their booze! They’re already so drunk they probably shouldn’t be drinking it anyway, so really, you’re helping them out.

You see? This is the power of technology. The power to bring people together in ways that they never imagined, and probably never wanted. Many new technologies are often misunderstood, or thought to have no practical value. I hope that my meager collection of suggestions has helped sparked your imagination towards coming up with new and exciting things to do with Twaddler.

If you have any Twaddler related ideas of your own, please share them in the comments below.




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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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