The Dark Lens – Star Wars Meets the Mean Streets

If you’re a fan of Star Wars, and you happen to like stunning photographs of urban environments, Cedric Delsaux’s The Dark Lens should be right up your ally. Cedric has captured a number of stunning urban landscapes, and injected them with famous Star Wars characters and creatures. Despite how hokey the whole thing sounds, I promise you that his work is incredibly cool, even if you’re not a fan of the Star Wars saga.

What I really like about the whole collection is how well Cedric managed to integrate the Star Wars themed elements into the already existing photos. As you’ll see below, the lighting is absolutely perfect in most of the shots, and that alone goes a long way to making the shots look realistic.

Cedric Delsaux’s The Dark Lens

The Star Wars saga is one of the few movie series’ that I’ve probably watched over 20 times, and when I say that, I mean each of the movies in the original trilogy; you know, the good ones. I’m glad to see someone doing something interesting with the characters and concepts, because George Lucas hasn’t done so for a very long time now. Perhaps it’s time for changing of the guard? Hiring bright, young, creative individuals like Cedric might be a good start.

You’ll find more of Cedric Delsaux’s amazing work at Cedric Delsaux.

(via G33kpron)



Art & Photography

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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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