Captain America: The First Avenger | First Full-Length Trailer

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There’s been a slew of comic book movies since the run away success of the Iron Man franchise, and personally, as someone who enjoys classic comics, I’ve found they’ve all been pretty horrible (Iron Man 1 aside.) Marvel has just released the first full length trailer for Captain America, and I have to admit, it got my hopes up a bit; the casting, war-time art deco atmosphere, and -from what I can tell- the small glimpses of the storyline all have me thinking that this could actually be a pretty amazing movie. Hugo Weaving is an actor I’m happy to see more of as Red Skull, and good ol’ leatherface Tommy Lee Jones is another favorite. Here’s to hoping the new Captain can live up to the classic comic legend.



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Author, Designer, and "that girl your mother warned you about." Looking good seems to be my job, whether it's working with the site design, or a number of other more interesting capacities. I have a ridiculous sense of humour and a brutal sense of honesty- you'll see a lot of that coming through in my writing, so don't say I didn't warn you if I somehow manage to offend you AND hurt your feelings at the same time. On the plus side, it makes my dating and advice columns a lot more pertinent to an unfinished man in the real world.

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