Three Counterintuitive Tips for Getting the Girl

While standard dating advice can be useful, I want to go over some words of wisdom that’ll help you seal the deal with a chick that you won’t find on most websites. I think everyone knows by now that being physically active, well-groomed and happy are surefire ways to attract a lady, but what about other methods of advancing interest from the opposite sex? After all, there are only so many live cam sites that a guy can enjoy before it’s time to seek out the real deal. Keep reading and I’ll give you my three best counter-intuitive tips for dates and relationships.

Don’t Be Available 24/7

This doesn’t mean that if she’s in trouble you pretend like you can’t make it, but don’t think for a second that you need to instantly reply to her messages as soon as she sends them. You also don’t need to accept the first available time and date for a catch-up if it’s not convenient for you. The reasoning for this is simple: men who are busy are attractive. Any guy that’s on offer 24/7 probably doesn’t have much going on elsewhere in his life, which also probably means he’s not that outgoing, proactive or career-orientated. Even if you’re not actually busy – you should be! Gym, work, socializing, sports and more: get busy, friend.

Control the Goodbye

Sometimes you don’t want to say goodbye, but chances are that you’ll need to, and you should always control where things are going – even if that’s away from one another. If she says she’s got something she absolutely must do in 2 hours, let her know that you’ve also got something to do in 90 minutes. You need to initiate the departures whenever you can to show that you’re not afraid to go off and do your own thing. You’re a man, after all – your life is awesome and meeting up with a girl for a coffee is not the highlight of your day. The sooner she realizes this, the more attracted she’ll be.

Talk About Sex

This doesn’t have to be within the first 10 minutes, but the sooner you get to talking about adult topics, the better it’s going to be for you. If you’re the type of guy that doesn’t immediately need physical intimacy then that’s fine, but you’ll want to know what’s in store for you anyway. Ask her about her preferences, her past experiences and what she’d like to try that she hasn’t already. Talking about sex has the additional benefit of making her think about sex too, which is a good step toward actually engaging in the activity. It’ll also help you weed out the ladies who’re not about that laid life: these are the ones you want to avoid!

Maybe these ideas aren’t completely new to you, but I see men slipping up all the time when it comes to dating in the modern era. Follow the three little tips above and you’ll instantly find yourself upping your success rate in relationships by several notches.

Thanks for reading and best of luck. Not that you need it now, though!




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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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