The Smart Guy’s Guide to Legendary One-Night Stands

If you’re like many single and available guys, a smoking hot hookup that goes down in history as legendary is your ultimate fantasy. But daydreaming about having such a hookup and actually making it happen are two entirely different things.

Thankfully, having consistently amazing hookups and one-night stands isn’t about anything you can’t easily change – like your appearance or bank balances. It is largely about your choices regarding how to present yourself and treat the women you choose to approach. Here are some important things to keep in mind.

Take pride in how you look

Contrary to what some guys believe, you don’t need to be the human equivalent of a Greek god to appeal to women. But women do appreciate men who take pride in themselves and care about making a good impression, so it’s worth making an effort here.

Wear clothing that fits you well, and that’s in step with current styles. Paying attention to grooming and prioritizing hygiene are key, as women strongly prefer men who are clean, fresh-smelling, and well-put together in general.

Know where the best encounters happen

Local bars, nightclubs, and Tinder may still be among the most popular options for meeting women who are at least open to the possibility of hooking up. But it’s important to understand that they’re not the only game in town, and not the only place to go if you’re in need of hookup help.

For example, weddings and parties can be excellent places to meet people or hook up with someone new. The same goes for well-known vacation spots and hangouts where people from out of town like to spend time. Many singles consider casual sex and flings to be great ways to take a vacation from good to legendary.

Get to know her a little

No, you don’t need to swap life stories or know everything there is to know about each other’s lives before hopping into the sack together. But enjoyable encounters still usually start with intellectual connections first, especially for women.

So, spend a little bit of time hanging out with her and showing an interest in what she’s all about. And if the conversation has already turned into sexual territory, try asking her about things like her fantasies and things she likes in bed. It’s a great way to set the mood early and get a better read on whether she might be interested in getting closer later.

Be prepared

If you think this means ensuring plenty of protection on you at all times, it does. No one of any gender should assume that the other person will already have factors like birth control and STI protection covered. This is especially true if you like to take advantage of random opportunities to enjoy something unexpected when you have an amazing one-night stand.

Always keep a couple of condoms on you, just in case, and check them often to make sure they haven’t expired. But be prepared in other ways, too. Get into the habit of keeping your car and living space clean and ready for surprise guests. And don’t skimp on your daily hygiene, as you never know what might happen during the day.

Adopt a balanced approach to sex

By now, most guys totally get that it’s not cool to be selfish in bed. But it’s possible to go too far in the other direction, too. Yes, you should focus on making sex with you as enjoyable for your partner as possible. But guys who are legendary in bed also understand that part of what women want in bed is for their partners to clearly be enjoying themselves.

So, work on striking a good balance between the two. Talk to her about what she’s into, ask for consent if it’s unclear whether you have it, and give her plenty of attention that makes her orgasm. But you should do what feels good to you, too. Many of the same things that feel good to you will also feel good to her.

Always be a good host/guest

Although there are exceptions, most of your future hookups and one-night stands will involve returning to either your place or hers to get dirty. Understanding how to be an ideal guest or host is a must.

It’s OK if you don’t like to spend the whole night with your hook-ups, but it’s a good idea, to be honest about that upfront before you go home together. After you’re done, offer your date something to drink or snack on, and engage in some polite pillow talk. If you do spend the night together, offer to buy or make her breakfast in the morning.

In other words, guys who leave women raving about the experience afterward are good guys all around – polite, courteous, attentive, and all the rest of it. Be that guy, and watch what it does for your sex life.




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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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