The Essentials Of Living Life to the Fullest

No-one’s quite certain whether we only get one life on this planet or more, but it’s probably a good idea to assume that this is the case. While there’ll always be times when we’re not quite able to live our best life, there are always things we can do to push things in the right direction. While life can be complicated, we’ll find that it’s much more straightforward if we’ve got the essentials of life in order. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some of the key factors that’ll contribute to your ability to live well in the modern age. If you’ve got all of these in your life, then you’ll be set up to live life to the fullest. 

A Base

Studies have shown that one of the things that determine a child’s ability to prosper later in life is having a stable home. But it’s also true for adults. If you’ve got a base, a home that allows you to relax and unwind and recover from the mania of the external world, then you’ll find it much easier to reach your full potential. Having a perfect base doesn’t mean buying your dream home. It just means having a living space that you enjoy. It could be an apartment or a house or even a room in a shared space. The important thing is that you like being there. 

Local Attachment 

Of course, it’s not as if you just live in a bubble. You’re part of the wider community too. You’ll find that you’re able to enjoy the richness of life if you feel attached to the area in which you live. Do you have a favorite cafe, restaurant, or bar? Do you know who some of your neighbors are? Even just slowing down and taking the time to appreciate all the benefits of your local area will help you to enjoy life all the more. Get to know where you live — your sense of home will become a lot more pronounced if you do.

A Solid Routine

We’re creatures of habit. Sometimes this is portrayed as a negative thing. While it’s true that we shouldn’t be entirely self-restricting and should open ourselves up to new experiences, as a general model of life, a routine is far from boring — it’s essential. Of course, your routine will be much better for you if it consists of positive actions, such as working out, going to galleries, cooking food, and so on. If you think yours isn’t quite as good for you as you’d like it to be, then look at making some changes. Sometimes just reviewing how you spend your day is enough to nudge you in the right direction. 

Eating Well

You are what you eat. There’s no avoiding it! While it’s sometimes tempting to eat fast-food and other unhealthy foods (since they can be so delicious), in the long-run, they’re not as good for you as you’d like. They can cause various problems. For starters, you’ll be less fit than you could be. Plus, if you’re eating it regularly, then you can’t be too surprised if you begin to lose some energy. If you’re not quite feeling on top of the world, and don’t know why, then you should look at what you’re eating. Sometimes just cutting and adding some ingredients, or changing your portion sizes, can be enough to make you feel better.


If we had it our way, we’d spend each evening sitting on the couch, watching Netflix. But that’s not living life to the fullest, or anywhere close to it — you’re just watching other people live their best life. Instead of unwinding when you get home from work, why not look at engaging in a spot of exercise? Now, we know, we know: this is not living life to the fullest either (well it can be if you’re hiking in the Alps, but not if you’re at the gym). However, what it will do is give you the physical and mental conditioning needed to live your best life. It’s much easier to get out there and do your best if you have energy — and exercising really will give you energy. Plus, it’s a good way to give your mental health a nudge in the right direction. When you’re exercising, feelgood chemicals will be released into your body. If it’s been a while since you’ve engaged in exercising, then just start slow. You don’t have to break any records. Any amount of exercise is better than none at all. 

Social vices

There are some things that are well-known to be bad for us, but which we continue to engage in, in large part because they’re socially acceptable. The two most common examples of this are drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. It’s true that the days of tobacco are probably numbered, but there are still a lot of smokers out there. Alcohol is something that many of us engage in more frequently than we’d like. While it can be difficult to break the habit of drinking alcohol, it’s well worth going through the process. Giving up smoking and drinking will help you in two ways. First, you’ll have a lot more energy — in fact, you might be surprised at just how much more you have. Second, you’ll have more time. How many hours do you spend socializing? If you cut down on drinking, you’ll have more time to spend doing other things.


While it’s important to disconnect from society from time to time, as a general rule of life, you’ll want to ensure that you’re able to be a part of things. In this day and age, this means being connected to the internet. While there are some people who decide to live without a smartphone, this is a bold choice — and not the best one if you want to live life to the fullest! So make sure you have the tech that’ll allow you to do so. This means having an up to date smartphone (older models can’t get the latest apps) and other tech, such as a laptop or tablet. Equally important is connectivity. Superdrug launched a mobile network provider that will give you great coverage at a great price and will ensure that you’re not left without data. Remember: you can only play the hand that’s been dealt to you, and if you live in the 21st century, then a big part of life is being connected to the internet.



Life Advice

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Rasha writes about family, parenting, and home décor for Unfinished Man. Drawing from her experiences raising her own kids, she provides tips on creating warm, welcoming spaces. Rasha also shares home staging expertise to help transform houses into magazine-worthy dream homes.

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