Tarot Readings: Finding Answers to Life’s Questions

The world today is a fast, ever-changing, and unpredictable one. What is trending today is a thing of the past tomorrow. Values change and life becomes increasingly uncertain.

There have been many published sources of information and guides that aid in figuring life out, but many people remain so lost. Furthermore, with over 327 million people in the US alone, feeling small and lowly becomes relatively common.
A result of all this is the rise in popularity of seeking answers using unconventional methods.

What are tarot cards?

Tarot cards are one of the favorite alternative sources of answers to life’s questions. These were initially a set of playing cards that were used to play games in the early centuries in Europe. However, an offshoot group believed that the cards could be more than just a pastime. In the late 18th century, certain oculists proposed that the tarot cards may be used for esotericism.

Tarot cards that are used for this purpose are made of two sets, and when combined, form 78 cards in total. These are:

  • The Major Arcana, or sometimes called Trump Cards. These 22 cards are numbered using Roman numerals from I to XXI, with the 22nd card, The Fool, unlabeled, or sometimes labeled as zero. Cards of this set represent principles and concepts in life.
  • The Minor Arcana. This set of cards is like the standard playing cards. They consist of four suits, with each having cards numbered 1 to 10, and three court cards (jack, queen, and king). However, compared to ordinary playing cards, the suits are wands, swords, cups, and circles or pentacles. This set contains 56 cards.

What do tarot readings do?

Despite the misconception of popular culture, tarot cards are not confined to fortune telling. Tarot readings are not even meant to predict the future. The reading aims to guide you in resolving an issue that you are currently facing in life, regardless of what it is. Oculists also argued that tarot cards could help you connect with your inner self, which will aid you in overcoming life’s challenges.

Because tarot readings have a lot to do with the self, the person who aims to seek a reading needs to keep in mind certain things.

You should not ask for a tarot reading if you have already decided on something beforehand. In other words, you must have an open mind; otherwise, the readings will have no sense at all to the resolved mind.

Moreover, approach problems generally, instead of specifically. Tarot cards express the most general ideas in life, so finding a very detailed answer to your questions will prove to be impossible. Tarot readings are meant to provide broad answers, from which you may base your future actions.

Be sure to compare online tarot reading networks before choosing one.

In summary

There are so many problems that American society is faced with today, including economic dissatisfaction, unemployment, and moral decline, among many others.

Tarot readings are just as helpful as any other source of guidance in life, as long as you keep in mind its limitations; the readings are also not meant to solve your problems. Instead, these are intended to focus you on finding an appropriate solution.




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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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