How to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated

Husbands and wives often live very busy lives these days, with both doing at least some kind of work. It Is not unusual for married couples to each have their own job and a side hustle to pay the bills. Whether your wife works or not, you ought to be able to show her that you appreciate her and all she does. Even a wife without a paying job will stay very busy taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, and doing other essentials that keep the family running.

If you’re hoping to make her feel loved and seen, then here are some ways to do just that. 

Prepare a Meal

After a hard day of working at home or at a job, your wife will want to take time to rest. You can give her that by fixing dinner and making sure she doesn’t have to lift a finger to make it happen. Show your appreciation for her by taking your time to prepare foods that she loves and that you are good at making. This may not be the time to fix foods you have never tried before unless you are relatively handy in the kitchen. Even then, you will want to follow a recipe to ensure it all turns out okay. If you put effort into making a meal for your wife and family, then you should care that every dish tastes exceptional. Plan ahead to give yourself enough time to buy all the ingredients and prepare the meal carefully rather than rushing through it. 

Send the Kids to the Relatives

Your wife may appreciate some time just to relax and not have to take care of the kids for a change. You can show her you are thinking about her needs by getting some of your close relatives to take care of the kids for the day. Choose relatives who are nearby and who both you and your wife trust. You don’t want your wife to be worrying about the kids while she is supposed to be enjoying a relaxing night. Take the pressure off your wife by giving her the choice to just do nothing that day rather than filling the day up with plans for you two to do something together. There is nothing wrong with couples’ time with the kids away, but your wife may appreciate a chance just to do nothing at all and recuperate from her busy schedule. 

Clean the House

An untidy house probably bothers your wife more than it does you. Even if you don’t see all the dust, dirt, and grime that accumulates over time, your wife likely will. In general, women tend to be more concerned about cleanliness in the home than men. If that’s your wife, then you can show your appreciation for her by tidying up. Don’t try to do this all on your own if you aren’t very good at it. You may not clean up to her standards, and you could just leave more work for her by doing the job poorly. If that’s a risk, then hire a professional cleaning service to do the tidying instead. Have them clean the entire house at a time when your wife will be out of the home so that they are not in her way. You can get her a day at the spa or something to keep her out of the house and occupied while they work. Make it a surprise for extra husband points, and then be sure to catch the look on her face when she comes home to a clean house. 

Leave Notes around the House

Your wife probably loves getting romantic notes. Why settle for one when you can give her several, though? Write a bunch of small love notes and leave them at strategic locations around the house. These can be small cards or simple post-it notes. Be sure to write something different on each one since that will show your attention to detail and your dedication to making this gesture well thought out and special for her.

You can leave notes on the fridge, in the bathroom, on her nightstand, on her outfit for the day, on her desk, in her vehicle, and in other places; she is bound to see them at different times of the day. Think about how she goes through her routine and leave her notes at different steps in her daily routine so that she can read love notes all day long. That means she will be feeling appreciated all day long as well. 

Take Her on a Date

This is a classic, but there is a reason it is such a great way to show your love and appreciation. A date takes some planning, so it shows you are thinking ahead and making things happen for your spouse. It also costs money and time, which demonstrates your sacrifice. It also gives you a chance to spend time together, which is romantic and great for strengthening the bonds of your relationship. 

When you plan a date, be sure to give your wife enough time to get ready for it. You know how long she likes to take to dress up and prepare herself, so keep that in mind. Also, choose a place that offers food she likes.

 Don’t just think about the food you feel like eating. If you need to make reservations, then do so ahead of time so that you don’t end up without a table. Also, plan for other important things that need to be done before you leave so that your wife doesn’t have to deal with them, like finding a babysitter for the kids, feeding the dogs, taking care of the laundry, etc.  

Any one of these would be a great way to show your wife that you appreciate her. She will surely see how much you care and feel loved by you when you make the effort to do something nice and thoughtful for her.




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Emma covers dating and relationships for Unfinished Man, bringing a witty woman's perspective to her writing. She empowers independent women to pursue fulfillment in life and love. Emma draws on her adventures in modern romance and passion for self-improvement to deliver relatable advice.

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