Heart Shaped Box: Why Gift Giving Is Always The Way To A Woman’s Heart

Some men get embarrassed over gift giving when they are dating a woman. They don’t know what to buy, or they are scared of getting something that she won’t like. Other men feel like some women can be ‘all about’ the things they receive, rather than being in the relationship because of them. But what they are forgetting is that gift giving is a valuable way of letting the other person know how you feel about them. Read on to find out more.

Giving gifts shows you care

The most important thing from a woman’s perspective when you are giving them a gift is that you are showing them that they matter to you. Dating and relationships are always a little uncertain and you never quite know whether the other person is in it for the long haul or not. So buy buying a gift you are showing that you are invested in your future relationship with them.

Also, you are demonstrating in a very tangible way that you care about the other person’s happiness. Which is an essential element that most women look for in a relationship.

I’m sure you heard more than one lady complain about how insensitive or uncaring their partner is. Well by buying a small gift here and there that is carefully chosen, you can help to accrue some much-needed brownie points which can help you to negate this particular criticism.

Giving gifts show you are thoughtful

Another reason is always a good idea for a guy to get a girl a gift is because it provides you with the perfect stage on which to show how thoughtful you are. Gift giving might seem like a quagmire of possible failures. What if you get the wrong thing? Or it’s the wrong color? Or if she doesn’t like it, but pretends to because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings? But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, it is a wonderful opportunity in which you can demonstrate your softer side.

But do this you have to be clever and careful. First of all, don’t but a gift for a woman that you are hoping to break up with anytime soon, as this just give the wrong impression entirely.

Second lots of impersonal expensive gifts can seem a bit like you are trying to show off or buy her affection. So it’s best to mix things up with a range of well thought through items over a period of time.

Third, gifts should be carefully considered before purchasing. The best way of doing this is to listen to what she has to say about a certain thing and store this idea away for later.

For example, you may be out shopping one day, and she noticed a particular piece of jewelry in a store window. When you can, and when she is not there, go back and take a picture and find out the price of the said item, so you can get it for her later as a Christmas, birthday or anniversary gift.

The same goes for any adverts she comments on the TV. But be warned, anything that is practical in the slightest, like an iron or a paint stripper are likely to been seen as anything but romantic! So that sort of gift won’t get you in her good books at all.

Another wonderful way of getting something that is thoughtful is to use your own initiative. To do this, you need to get an item that is directly related to something that you know she loves. For example, if her hobby is crafting, look for accessories that would go well with this. Such as a craft carrier or a day course to learn new techniques. This shows her that you are aware and interested in what matters to her, and this sort of present is normally met with delight.

Giving gifts doesn’t need to cost the earth

One of the main problems with guys giving gifts is that they can get a little nervous about the cost. They want to spend the right amount, but obviously, don’t want to bankrupt themselves either. In addition to that, some fellas worry that if they start to give expensive gifts, their other halves will expect them all at the time.

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Photo by Stevepb

But there are definitely ways around this problem. First of all, you could try making something yourself. This will likely not cost too much, and the sentimental value will be huge to the recipient. Or, if you want to give something a little more expensive without breaking the bank, shop online and use sites like DontPayFull to get money off the total price.

Wanting gifts isn’t money grabbin’

Lastly, a big issue for some guys is that they see a woman wanting to be given gifts as money grabbing. We have all seen those ill-fated couples on reality TV shows, where she is out of what she can get, and he, thinking that it is real love, dutifully open his wallet every time they go past a designer bag or shoe store.

But you have to remember that for the majority of ladies, this just isn’t the case. Most women aren’t gold diggers, and if you are concerned that the woman you are dating is then, you need to look at the cold hard facts.

Do you have a good relationship when you don’t buy her everything she wants? Does she seem more interested in your wages than you? Are you surprised that women like her, is dating a guy like you? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then it a night is a good idea to lay off the gift giving and see how the relationship progress without it.

Remember, though, for the most part, the lady in your life doesn’t want to rinse out your bank account. In fact, she just wants a little luxury now and then, and to be shown a smidgen of appreciation for being in your life. So gift giving is generally a good idea.




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Emma covers dating and relationships for Unfinished Man, bringing a witty woman's perspective to her writing. She empowers independent women to pursue fulfillment in life and love. Emma draws on her adventures in modern romance and passion for self-improvement to deliver relatable advice.

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