Cleansing The Body And Mind With Diet And Supplements

Many people believe that detoxifying the body and mind leads to enhanced physical and mental well-being. Purging toxins aids emotional health and physical performance.

Poor diets and environmental toxins impact well-being. Your body is exposed to many different pollutants every day. Stress takes its toll as do lifestyle choices.

Clean eating and health supplements help support the body’s natural defense mechanisms and detoxify. Cleansing toxins helps the body toward optimal health.

Do you need to cleanse? Why detoxify the body and mind?

Don’t human bodies detoxify naturally? The answer to that is yes, they do. The liver processes toxins into waste which gets flushed from your system. Your blood is cleansed by your kidneys. Plus, when you sleep it is believed that your brain is purging toxins to clear the mind for the day ahead.

However, your body is being bombarded constantly by toxins. This can result in toxic overload. This is why many wellness companies such as The Root Brands have developed detoxifying supplements to boost cleansing diets.

Every day, humans are subject to pollutants including alcohol, smoking, and greenhouse emissions. On top of this, there is stress from work and daily life plus the toxins contained in poor dietary choices.

A cleansing diet along with supplements, like greens powder, can help to provide extra support for your body’s regular detoxification system. Your organs will be cleansed and your immune system boosted. A clean diet should also lead to improved nutrient absorption and better digestion.

What toxins affect your body and mind?

It is said that humans are exposed to 700,000 different toxins every day. Almost everyone is breathing air that contains unhealthy levels of pollutants. Airborne toxic pollutants affect brain health as well as the body.

When you consider the health aspects of airborne pollutants you will likely think of lung and respiratory problems. But, the mind can be affected too. Certain pollutants are linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ADHD, and depression.

Typically, humans are exposed to the following each day plus much more:

  • Pesticides
  • Auto exhaust fumes
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Heavy metals
  • Fungicides
  • Industrial gasses

Mercury and lead are just two common toxins that are found in air and water. Lead is in the ground, the water, the air, and often in people’s homes.

What does clean eating refer to?

Clean eating refers to a diet formed mostly from whole foods. The aim is to eliminate processed foods from diets. Processed food is linked to a variety of health concerns including inflammation.

A whole food diet may include seeds, vegetables, and lean proteins. These diets help to reduce the amount of toxins ingested.

The gains from clean eating include weight loss, clear skin, and heightened energy levels. The mood will be improved, sleep will become more restful, and digestive systems will be put under less pressure.

Consider investing in a juicer or blender to make healthy smoothies. Everyone is looking for real ways to live longer, and drinking nutrient-packed smoothies might just help. Green juice drinks including leafy greens are an excellent addition to a cleansing diet and are easy to make. You can find some of the modern blending technologies and juicers on Beast Health to keep up with your everyday food and nutrition requirements.

Basic guide to starting a cleansing diet

There are plenty of in-depth resources for clean eating on the internet. However, to help you on the road to detoxifying, here is a basic plan for starting a cleansing diet.

Identify what your goals are

For instance, are you hoping to improve your mental wellness? Are you having difficulty with brain fog and focus at work? Or, do you want to lose weight? Many health supplements are aimed at specific areas such as improving cognitive abilities. Identifying your goals will help you to plan your diet and supplementary needs.

Have a cleanout

No doubt your kitchen has some unhealthy or processed foods in it. Cleaning out the kitchen will help you start afresh. Of course, wasting food is never good so consider passing them on to neighbors or a food bank.

Plan your meals

All diets become easier to manage when they are planned. Research recipes and meal choices and make a grocery list.

Don’t complicate things

Keep your meal choices simple but enjoyable. A major reason why lifestyle changes and diets fail is because they are complicated or unenjoyable.

Consider investing in a juicer or blender to make healthy smoothies. Everyone is looking for real ways to live longer, and drinking nutrient-packed smoothies might just help. Green juice drinks including leafy greens are an excellent addition to a cleansing diet and are easy to make.

Be consistent

Perhaps the hardest part of a cleansing diet is sticking with it. Remember to take your health supplements and stick to your meal plans.

How do supplements aid with detoxifying?

Health supplements have been mentioned a few times above so it is time to explain what role they play in cleansing diets. There are numerous, perhaps countless, health and wellness supplements on the market now. The ingredients range from those most people have never heard of to well-known herbs such as ginger.

Probiotics, vitamins, herbs, and minerals, are all used in supplements to provide additional support for detoxification. Exotic names such as Ashwagandha are used to boost brain function and reduce stress. Other ingredients like dandelion root and turmeric help to cleanse the body.

When toxins build up, your body has to work extra hard to purge itself. Supplements assist the natural cleansing process.

Boosting gut health and immunity

One area that benefits from cleansing diets is the gut and digestive system. A healthy microbiome results in improved gut health. Plus it leads to a stronger immune system.

Your gut microbiome is vital when it comes to detoxifying. An optimal microbiome will produce vitamins and break down food. But, poor diets, medication, and even stress may damage this microbiome. That can lead to inflammation and poor digestion.

Foods that are packed with nutrients

To help your gut and promote detoxification your diet needs to contain the right foods. Fermented foods can help gut microbiomes. Kimchi and sauerkraut are good choices.

Your diet should include the essential nutrients required for optimal health. This can be hard to achieve and that is where supplements often help with diets. Filling your diet with detox foods such as leafy greens will ensure you have plenty of antioxidants.

Include the following examples in your diet:

  • Leafy greens – kale, spinach
  • Berries – blueberries, strawberries
  • Cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower
  • Herbs and spices – garlic, turmeric
  • Healthy fats – nuts, avocado
  • Lean proteins – fish, chicken, tofu

Superfoods such as chlorella and wheatgrass can provide extra vitamins and antioxidants to assist your cleansing plan.

How to cleanse the mind

Healthy diets help to improve mental wellness. Ultra-processed food has been linked to impaired brain function and anxiety. Plant-based foods plus lean proteins provide essential nutrients for optimal cognitive functions.

Supplements can help here also. Omega-3 fatty acids plus vitamin B support brain function. As does magnesium. Improving sleep patterns will also help to cleanse the mind. Magnesium along with melatonin can help those who suffer from disturbed sleep.

Sustaining your new lifestyle

Achieving your goals through a cleanse is a time for congratulating yourself. However, you must maintain your healthy routine and diet to continue benefiting from your detoxification.

Look for new recipe ideas, and introduce new foods to keep things interesting. Also, don’t forget the importance of regular checkups. Visiting your doctor and getting nutritional advice will not only be beneficial to your health but may help you to stay on track.


Using clean eating along with health supplements can be a great way to purge your body and mind from toxins. The benefits include vitality and improved focus. A cleansing diet will help to reduce the amount of toxins consumed from processed foods, and aid with gut health.

As a side benefit, cutting out takeaways and frozen pizza may even save you money. If nothing else, your meals will be more nutritious and better for your overall well-being.



Health & Fitness

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Rasha writes about family, parenting, and home décor for Unfinished Man. Drawing from her experiences raising her own kids, she provides tips on creating warm, welcoming spaces. Rasha also shares home staging expertise to help transform houses into magazine-worthy dream homes.

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