6 Things You Should Do During a Divorce to Make Sure You Emerge Unscathed

Divorce can be the worst, but you can stop yourself from feeling lost and unhappy, plus all those other ridiculous feelings that usually follow. Get ahead and start to reclaim your life even before the court proceedings are over so you can emerge like Zeus would after a fight with a mortal man.

Whether she is leaving you because you keep leaving dishes by the sink or both of you simply can’t handle being together anymore, divorce is not fun. However, that does not mean you should allow yourself get into post-divorce stage of depression and unhappiness.

Even if you feel it is not possible right now, you actually can leave a marriage without spending the next couple of months or years depressed and in emotional turmoil. “How do I do that,” you say? You’ll find out in the next couple of minutes.

Give yourself a confidence boost

Who said retail therapy was only good for the girls? Get yourself a new pair of shoes, a dapper suit, a fancy watch, or whatever else you like. If you feel you need a complete wardrobe change, go ahead, you owe it to yourself to look good.

You might be surprised the nice boost of confidence you’ll get with a few extra pieces of clothing. Also, now is the time to take working out more seriously. Sign up at a gym if you don’t have a gym membership already, start jogging in the mornings, and spend your time building some muscle instead of brooding. You’ll need the confidence when you meet someone new.

Meet a new woman

You are probably thinking it’s insane to meet someone new even before you have completed your divorce. Not necessarily. Even if you don’t start dating (assuming that is not the reason for your divorce) before the divorce is finalized, it does help to have a ‘close friend’ to hold your hand as you walk through the process.

people smiling date

There are lots of places to meet amazing women, so finding a new friend should not be a problem. It’s great if you already have someone in your circle of friends, but you can always ask a friend to hook you up, or volunteer for a cause.

We can’t say volunteering just to find a new lady friend is the most noble of causes, but hey, you’d still be helping out. But don’t stress too much about finding someone, especially as you don’t want a rebound relationship. It will come when it comes.

Make friends of your lawyer

Not suggesting that you should badger your divorce lawyer or anything, but you should definitely be friends with him or her. Let your lawyer know before you do anything major like moving out of the house before the divorce is over. By constantly communicating with your lawyer, you can avoid costly mistakes that will leave you more sour after the divorce has been finalized. You don’t want to be left with an unsatisfactory verdict.

Reclaim your purpose

Do you have an interest you are passionate about but never really got the chance to pursue because you didn’t have the time or because your spouse didn’t fancy it much? You can rediscover your passion and push yourself to go as far as you would like.

person in crowd

Pursuing something that you are passionate about will give you enough sense of purpose to fill the void that your divorce might be creating. You don’t have to wait until the divorce is over before you start reclaiming your life’s purpose.

Don’t ignore your friends

Yes, it is great to find a new lady friend but you must never forget your buddies – the ones who will stick with you through thick and thin. Chances are they’ll try to help you as best they can, so let them.

Whether they are eager to subject you to cheesy pretend therapy sessions or want to drag you along to a couple of hangouts during the week, go along with it. Throw in a road trip over the weekend and a bit of good fun at a nightclub, and you’ll be good.

Go on a solo trip

There are few problems traveling cannot solve, whether you hop on a flight to some exotic location or go on a road trip. Take some time off and enjoy the strangeness of a new place for a few days before going back to your regular life. Divorce can be stressful, and a trip might be just what you need to relax.

These are only a couple of the things you can do to help yourself get through a divorce unscathed, but be sure to always remember that your happiness lies in your hands and no one else’s. Good luck!



Life Advice

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Santiago writes about the fascinating, unexpected side of life for Unfinished Man. He explores intriguing subcultures, people, and trends that reveal the weirdness hiding below the surface. Santiago provides an insider’s perspective shaped by his own experiences pushing boundaries and embracing the unconventional. His curiosity and passion for storytelling give readers a glimpse into unfamiliar worlds.

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