A Manly, “Cool” Image for the 21st Century

In days gone by, the ultimate image of the perfect “macho” man was the lonesome cowboy riding his trusty steed off into the sunset. His wide-brimmed, dusty hat and his spur-clad leather boots were tell-tale signs of manliness, and his ability to outdraw an opponent in a gun duel was proof beyond doubt as to who was “the better man.”

True, there are a few regions in the US where this “Old West” persona is still the standard, but what about the rest of us? What are the keys to a stand-out yet fit-in style in the 21st Century for men who want their girlfriend and their best buddy alike to see them as “truly cool?”

Levity and humor aside, here are 5 important factors in emulating that image of coolness that you feel corresponds to the real you inside:

1. Get “the T-shirt.”

If you want to truly look the part when you work out at the gym and, at the same time, motivate yourself and others to “Never Give Up,” “Be Your Motivator,” win “The Struggle,” or “Train Insane,” you need to find stylish but comfortable RenegadeCitizen T shirts for men that say those very things. Be a living billboard of motivational therapy for the whole world to see, or at least, everyone with whom you work out.

2. Get “the hat.”

There’s an old saying, “He’s a man who wears many hats.” Now, that saying has to do with engaging in a variety of different career paths all at once, being a sort of “Jack of all trades.” But people really do wear different hats for different jobs and endeavors (which is why the saying makes sense to begin with). So, to always look the part: wear a snappy, classic broad-brimmed hat when you take your girl out to an upscale restaurant, a backwards-facing ball cap while mowing the lawn or fishing, and an eye-catching derby down at the bowling lane. You get the idea.

3. Work on Your Facial Hair.

Another way to keep up with the fashions and, at the same time, to express your own personal style, is via a well groomed, striking mustache and/or beard. There are a host of msustache and beard styles, and both face shape and personal taste will decide which one is right for you. For example, men with narrow chins should consider the Balbo-style beard (like Robert Downey aka Iron Man); those with squarish faces might look good in a goatee, oval-faced men might prefer a mustache-round goatee combo, and workers in corporate America will have to go clean shaven.

4. Use the Right Body Language.

We won’t get into body language that women think means a guy is interested since body language experts tell us that is automatic and pre-programmed anyway. Here, I’ll just mention a few non-verbal cues within “male culture:” keep a good foot or two of distance when you talk to someone (unless you’re a farmer, then it’s 6 inches), make eye contact at key points but never stare at someone, do a high-five or “bear hug” at the right emotional moments (but don’t talk about those emotions), and jump up and smack your fist on your open palm when your team just hit a home run or scored a touchdown.

5. Keep Physically Fit and Eat Healthy.

This one’s a bit more serious. Whether in the old cowboy days or in our much too sedentary “Information Age,” you just look better when you take better care of yourself. Organize a workout routine, preferably with friends who will keep you encouraged to continue it. Limit fast foods and junk foods to an occasional snack. There can be exceptions to the rule, but don’t let things slip or the rule will become the exception.



Men's Style

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Scott brings philosophical insights and witty wordplay to his writing for Unfinished Man. With wide-ranging interests from bikes to beers, he explores the novelty in everyday life. Scott aims to both inform and entertain readers with his perspectives on culture, technology, and the pursuit of living well.

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