How to Clean Jewelry Quickly and Efficiently

While some men hardly use any jewelry, others like their necklaces, bracelets, and rings. Usually, few people are concerned with cleaning jewelry pieces, and that’s because they tend to look good for a decent amount of time. However, that particular spark goes away after a while, but there are some simple tricks one can use to maintain it.

Use cleaning stuff you have in your house

The internet is jam-packed with tips and tricks on cleaning your jewelry using homemade solutions or just things you probably have in your kitchen or around the house. One piece of advice we’ve found particularly helpful is to utilize aluminum foil and a tablespoon of bleach-free powdered detergent.

Line a bowl with the foil, pour the detergent solution on top and leave your jewelry in it for one to two minutes. Once you rinse your rings, you’ll be surprised at how sparkly, and new-looking everything is.
Other things you can use and probably have in your home range from good old baking soda to ammonia, Alka Seltzer, and denture tablets.

How about drinks?

Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages make great cleaning solutions, in case you didn’t know that. With beer, you’ll have to pour a bit on a towel and rinse your jewelry with it. Just make sure to avoid using dark ale as it can leave stains.

Although it’s not a drink per se, vinegar is by far one of the most common substances found in most homemade cleaning concoctions. It can be used to clean anything ranging from dinnerware to silver bracelets and rings. You’ll do have to have a bit of patience with the method, however, as you’ll have to mix two tablespoons baking soda and half a cup of white vinegar, and then leave your jewelry to soak in the solution for a couple of hours.

Vodka is another excellent jewelry cleaner, but it should mostly be utilized on diamonds and crystal gemstones. It can even be used to get rid of any dust and marks left on your eyeglass lenses. Club soda makes sapphires, diamonds, and rubies sparkle, and the neat thing about it is that you don’t have to do anything other than soaking your jewelry overnight in a tall glass filled with the beverage.

There’s a device for that

Finally, if you usually wear a lot of jewelry and maybe even have a partner who does the same, perhaps you’re in need of a Magnasonic jewelry cleaner. With these devices, you can clean a variety of items that range from dentures to anything made of silver.

Typically, such products are used at the dentist’s office to get rid of the blood from any surgical instruments. Although this method is by far the simplest one as the machine is in charge with cleaning the jewelry, you do have to understand whether spending thirty dollars or more on such a device makes sense for you. If it doesn’t, we suggest using one of the means mentioned above as they can help you clean your rings just as efficiently.



Men's Style

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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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