Young Men Dreading the Idea of Aging

When I discovered a single strand of grey in my hair, I could not believe it. I was in denial. My wife pointed it out to me. I ended up cutting my hair bald. I did not want to see any grays in my hair. Other things that I fear about aging include becoming impotent, getting weak, and retirement. Moreover, I want to continue driving my car, and I do not want to lose my mind.

Fear of Getting Impotent

I do not like to have this type of discussion with anyone. I dread the day if that ever happens to me. I do not want to feel useless. I do not want to feel less of a person next to someone who is bragging about all the women in his life. Whenever I have discussions with the ladies, for some reason, the topic of sex always comes up. Research states that men think about sex 13 times in one day. Women only think about it five times per day.


I do not know any man that likes to feel weak. Knowledge might be power, but what about physical power? I value strength and vigor over knowledge. If I lose that ability, I will have lost almost an entire part of me. I want to be able to lift things. Better yet, I want to be able to carry my wife.


I was reading a book on retirement, and my wife saw the look of disgust on my face. I dread retirement. It translates into being an old man. I am not an old man, so I do not want to hear anything on that topic. I want to feel like I still contribute something to society. I do not want people to ignore me because I am old.

Not Driving a Car

I love my independence. I do not want to ask anyone to take me places. I want to be able to hop in the car and drive wherever I want to go. The car I drive represents who I am. It is a relevant part of my life. I am not ready to give up that freedom.

Having Dementia

This is one of my biggest fears. I do not want to lose my mind. I have seen what it has done to a friend’s father. He insists that someone wants to kill him. He has focused his attention on his youngest daughter. He swears that his youngest daughter wants to kill him so that she can get the house. His wife is witness to this, and she knows that is not the case. I do not want to become that type of person.

In conclusion, I dread the idea of getting old because I do not want to become impotent. I want to make my wife happy all the time. I do not want to become weak. I love to exercise and lift weights including my wife. I do not want to retire, ever! I want to keep working until it is time to leave this earth. I want to be still able to drive my car. Above all, I do not want to lose my mind. I do not want people looking at me sideways.



Health & Fitness

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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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