What’s the Best Way to Inject Insulin?

Let’s discuss a topic that affects a lot of peaople’s health and one that isn’t talked about enough: diabetes and insulin. Lots of people know that those with diabetes need to take insulin, and that usually they need to inject it, but what many don’t know is that there are lots of ways in order to inject insulin, depending on what works best for the individual and their needs. In this article we’re going to talk about the different ways to inject insulin as well as tips on injection techniques.

Sure this doesn’t affect everyone, but diabetes is such a wide spread issue that it’s bound to affect your or someone you know, so it’s good to be knowledgeable.

Needle And Syringe

This is typically the most well-known way to inject insulin. In this way you’re injecting the necessary amount of insulin into the body from a vial, directly into the skin. The good thing about using a needle and syringe is that you can carry more than one dose of insulin with you.

Insulin Pen

The next most common way to inject insulin is via an insulin pen, which essentially looks like a pen (hence the name) with a needle on the end. However, the downside to an insulin pen over a needle or syringe is that it comes with a prefilled container inside with insulin, so it only has one use in it.

Jet Injection or Jet Injector

There is no need for a needle with the jet injector, as instead of a needle it uses high pressure to send a fine spray of insulin through the skin. This is great for people who are afraid of needles, although some say they’re more painful than using a needle.

Insulin Pump

The insulin pump is designed to administer insulin all day long. Usually the pump is attached to a tube with a needle on the end that you insert into your skin. These pumps administer insulin all the time, and you only need to inject additionally in order to keep blood sugar down. These aren’t extremely common though, as they can be tough to use.

Injection Port

This is similar to the pump, only just the tubing, without the “pump” bit. It’s inserted under the skin and can stay there for days. Preferable for those who don’t want multiple punctures.

Pump Patch

This essentially is a patch that attaches directly to the skin and deliver the insulin via the patch, much like a nicotine patch.

What are some technique tips for injecting insulin?

The most common technique tip is to squeeze a couple of inches of skin around where you intent to insert the needle to pull it away from the muscle, and then continue to hold it during the injection, releasing when the needle has been removed. This makes it less painful and easier to administer.

There are many ways to inject insulin, and it really is up to the individual and what their needs and preferences are. Regardless, there is an option out there for everyone.



Health & Fitness

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Emma covers dating and relationships for Unfinished Man, bringing a witty woman's perspective to her writing. She empowers independent women to pursue fulfillment in life and love. Emma draws on her adventures in modern romance and passion for self-improvement to deliver relatable advice.

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