Why Smart Car Owners Get a Lot More Out of Their Vehicles for a Lot Longer

Are you still in the position where you’re seemingly at the whims of fate when it comes to the kind of car you’re driving? Do you find it difficult to keep something in top condition for too long? No, it’s not always just bad luck. More likely, you’re missing a few tricks you can use to ensure your car is at its best for longer.

They pay attention

We’re not pointing any fingers here but there is a shocking lack of awareness when it comes to car owners. Many people distinctly ignore warning signs that could save them a lot of trouble if they started paying attention. Noises like screeching acceleration which means a worn fan belt. Or a knocking sound which could be the warning of an engine that isn’t too long from failure. The quicker you spot the signs, the quicker you get it fixed. Which not only means it does less damage, but it means it costs less to sort, as well.

They get hands-on with their maintenance

Most problems, not all but most, can be sorted if you’re a little more forward thinking when it comes to the maintenance of the car itself. There’s a lot of maintenance you don’t need to be a mechanic to sort. Your brake pads might only need the very occasional check. Rotating your tires and changing your oil only needs to be done around every six months. The more you take on your own car maintenance, the more you get to know it, too.

They know their car can do more

The more you get to know it, the more you might start to realize that it hasn’t reached its full potential yet. There are a lot of ways to improve the quality and performance of your car. Fender flares can protect your vehicle from marks and muds. Cold air intakes and superchargers can improve the rate at which it burns fuel and air together. A filter could keep your engine healthier for longer by blocking impurities. Make sure you’re keeping a lookout for the upgrades and mods that could give your vehicle a new lease on life.

They drive them more efficiently

The better you drive your car, the better for it. Fuel inefficiency doesn’t just hurt your wallet. It can also be indicative of practices that are going to stress your engine. Practices like idling, for instance, which can easily be solved by getting an engine heater in the winter. Or practices like sudden acceleration or sudden braking. Consider looking at the tips on hypermiling. As well as saving your wallet, they’ll be a lot gentler on your engine. Meaning it will keep more power those moments you really need it.

The smart car owners don’t just buy a car with fancy specs and give it a clean now and then. They learn about it. What it should be and what it shouldn’t do. What it could be and how to get it there. Then they get their hands dirty making it become that.




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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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