Why You Need Sensorwake In Your Life

Getting up in the morning is never easy, even if you’re a morning person. The second the alarm goes off you’re usually wanting to smack it and then roll over and go back to sleep. While there is yet to be discovered a gadget that will literally attach a caffeine IV to you while you’re in bed, there are actually some really great innovations that you can already buy that make waking up so much easier.

What if you could wake up slowly and pleasantly? Sounds pretty nice, and that’s because it is, and that’s exactly what the Sensorwake Alarm Clock does. This olfactory alarm clock gradually wakes you up using pleasant scents and within two minutes your sense of smell is what will wake you up, rather than a horrible beeping noise.

Scientific evidence proves that this way of waking up is more relaxing and will put you in a much better mood for the rest of the day than waking up to loud buzzing, and who doesn’t want that?

The alarm clock comes with seven scents, including seaside, croissant, toast, espresso, chocolate, peppermint and grass. This is a great selection and will certainly have at least one scent that will appeal to you. This is also great because you can change out the scents depending on the season. If it’s winter you might actually enjoy the seaside scent because it’ll transport you briefly. And who doesn’t like the smell of espresso.

The way it works is that each scent is essentially a little capsule that fits into the top of the alarm clock. The capsules last for 30 uses and are 100% recyclable. The scents are transported using air rather than heat, making them safer and more durable.

Not only is this product totally revolutionary and awesome, but the alarm clock itself actually very sleek, so it will fit in well with different décor. The alarm clock itself is white with mood lighting around the area where the digital time is displayed. For $109 you can get the alarm clock, one toast capsule and the charging system. For $136 you can get the alarm clock and one of each capsule.

If you want to buy more of one capsule or buy more once you’re out, each one individually costs $5.45.

Overall, the price of this clock and it’s capsules is not super cheap, but if you think about how it will wake you up in a better mood and you’ll probably be more productive throughout your day and generally be a happier person, it seems more reasonable. Either way, this is a great innovation that has left us wondering why no one has developed it before. Guess you really can buy happiness.



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Eddie is a writer covering men's lifestyle topics for Unfinished Man. With a business degree and passion for writing, he provides reviews on the latest cars, gadgets, and other interests for today's man. Eddie crafts entertaining and informative articles aimed at helping readers live their best lives.

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