Most Common Causes of Sideswipe Car Accidents and Steps to Take

Sideswipe car accidents are increasingly becoming prevalent on American roadways daily. Like other accidents, these accidents have increased because of speeding and distracted driving. As the name suggests, sideswipe car accidents are road accidents that involve two cars heading in the same direction.

Victims of sideswipe car accidents and resulting collisions are entitled to compensation for injuries and damages. If you have been involved in a sideswipe car accident and are wondering how a lawyer can help you, learn more here.

Causes of Sideswipe Car Accidents

Sideswipe car accidents have many causes, including:

1. Improper lane change

Improper lane change occurs when a driver suddenly switches to another lane, doesn’t signal, or takes proper precautions before changing lanes. This commonly occurs when the driver doesn’t check their blind spots. A recent NHTSA analysis found that more than 840,000 blind spot-related collisions occur annually across the U.S.

According to New York laws, for instance, drivers shouldn’t depart from their lane until they’ve ascertained that the lane switch is safe. Drivers who violate these provisions get a citation for improper lane changes.

2. Dangerous maneuvers

Big city residents are generally assertive, and driving isn’t an exception. Drivers take drastic measures on the road to ensure they arrive at their destinations within a given period. Drastic measures when driving include dangerous maneuvers and close calls when changing lanes. Sudden, aggressive lane changes expose other drivers to risk and can cause sideswipe car accidents.

3. Careless speeding

Most sideswipe car accidents also occur because of careless speeding. Speeding drivers can easily lose control of their vehicles and cross into other lanes. For instance, a speeding driver trying to maneuver a corner or curve can easily drift into the outside lane and collide with other vehicles.

Drivers should also consider road conditions before speeding. Losing control of your vehicle on snow or ice is very easy. Most sideswipe car accidents are avoidable if drivers take appropriate safety precautions.

4. Unsafe merging

While merging is generally tricky, failing to merge safely can result in a sideswipe car accident collision. In most cases, drivers joining the main road from low-speed roads should observe safety when merging. However, some drivers merge carelessly, ignoring the right of way of vehicles on the main road.

5. Head-on sideswipes

Head-on sideswipes occur when two vehicles almost get into a head-on collision but swerve to avoid each other. While swift acting helps avoid a head-on collision, a sideswipe car accident can still occur. Most head-on sideswipe car accident collisions occur when drivers lose control of their vehicles.

What to Do After a Sideswipe Car Accident

Knowing what to do after a sideswipe car accident helps victims protect their rights and assets. You should do the following if you are a victim of a sideswipe car accident collision:

  • Report the accident – you should call 911 immediately and request emergency services, especially if you are injured. Police should also be on-site to file an official report.
  • Collect evidence – evidence collection begins immediately after the accident occurs. If you didn’t sustain major injuries, take quality pictures of the accident scene, vehicle damage, road conditions, and the general surroundings. These photos come in handy during scene reconstruction.
  • Collect witness statements and details of the other driver – you should collect statements from pedestrians and motorists who witnessed the accident. You’ll be lucky if some onlookers have caught videos of the collision. Similarly, note the license number and contact information of the other driver.
  • Get medical help – you should seek medical attention after an accident, regardless of the nature and severity of your injuries. Seeking medical attention will help during claims processing. You should get checked to be cleared of internal injuries, which often complicate later.
  • Seek legal representation – you should hire a car accident lawyer immediately, especially if you intend to file for compensation. Liable parties and their insurance agents often try to convince accident victims to admit fault or accept lowball offers. An experienced accident lawyer will guide you during this scary moment. They will handle all communications, collect the necessary evidence, negotiate with insurance providers, and represent you in court.

The Bottom Line

Negligent driving remains the number one cause of traffic accidents, including sideswipe car accident collisions. If you sustain injuries and property damage from the accident, hiring an experienced lawyer gives you better chances of obtaining maximum compensation.




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Noman covers automotive news and reviews for Unfinished Man. His passion for cars informs his in-depth assessments of the latest models and technologies. Noman provides readers with insightful takes on today's top makes and models from his hands-on testing and research.

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