Make Sure You Look Good On Your Holiday This Year

‘Holiday’ doesn’t always refer to summer. If you’re one of the lucky people escaping the winter cold and getting away to somewhere sunny or saving up for a break during the busy season, then here are some tips for looking good:

Keep your skin hydrated

No matter what the season, there’s always something conspiring to dry out your skin. In the winter it’s the biting, dry air and in the summer it’s the air conditioners and the heat. If you want to keep yourself looking good in the heat then moisturizer and lip balm should be your best friend. Drink lots of water, avoid hot showers and avoid staying inside with the air conditioner.

Keep your skin clean and protected

A breakout is never welcome, especially in the very bright sunshine of a tropical country where everyone can see the little red spots covering your face. So, stick to a routine to keep your skin cleaned and protected. Wash your face every day and use a deep cleansing product and sunscreen. To avoid razor rash from saving you should also use hydrating shaving creams and aftershave.

Look after your hair

Unless you plan to hide your hair under a hat for your entire holiday, you should properly look after it and keep it looking thick, shiny and glossy. To keep your hair hydrated in the sunshine try oiling it. Using oils as well as shampoo and conditioner will give you a healthy scalp, prevent dandruff and leave your hair looking beautifully shiny. If you’re the type of guy that brushes his hair after getting out of the shower then now is the time to stop. Our hair is at its weakest when it’s wet, which is why you might find your hair looking a bit thin or patchy. To keep your hair thick and firmly attached to your head, skip the extra hot hairdryer and stiff brush. Using some spray-on conditioner after a shower will help you gently work out any tangles from your hair and letting it dry naturally, or using cool air instead of hot, will make it look a lot less knotty and dull.

Invest in some good quality basics

In hot weather the most you’re probably going to wear is shorts and a t-shirt, so buy some good quality shorts and shirts. Thomas Royall are a great place to start looking for fashionable beach clothes. On their website you can buy men’s designer swimming shorts and accessories that are simple enough and durable enough to last you for years. So, instead of blowing your holiday budget on an overfilled suitcase of cheap clothes, pack a few well-made staples that you can use to mix and match your outfits. This is the first step to packing smart.

Get the right shoes

If you were planning on packing flip-flops and crocs then you need to quickly reassess your life choices. This applies double to anyone that was planning on wearing either of their shoes with socks. Shoes are an important part of any outfit, so make them look as good as the rest of you. Look around for some deck shoes, some plain canvas shoes, espadrilles and bring at least one pair of smart shoes.




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Santiago writes about the fascinating, unexpected side of life for Unfinished Man. He explores intriguing subcultures, people, and trends that reveal the weirdness hiding below the surface. Santiago provides an insider’s perspective shaped by his own experiences pushing boundaries and embracing the unconventional. His curiosity and passion for storytelling give readers a glimpse into unfamiliar worlds.

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