6 Reasons to Hire a Professional Piano Moving Company

One of the worst parts about moving is all of the logistical issues you have to work out. One of them is physically transporting your possessions, which can be time-consuming, costly, and unpleasant. A specialized item that you might have is a piano, which is much harder to transport than almost anything else. Below, we present 7 reasons why you should consider hiring a piano moving company.

Damage to Your Piano

Your piano is likely one of the most expensive items in your home. The last thing you want is to have it sustain damage. Unfortunately, that is what happens when you try to move your piano by yourself. At some point, you will drop it, bump it on a wall, or handle it in some other improper way. The result will be a broken piano that will require expensive repairs to work again. This can even happen when you hire movers that are professional but do not specialize in such large and delicate items. The reason is that they lack the specific skills and equipment associated with moving pianos.

Damage to Your Property

There is a high chance that damaging your piano will also lead to harming other pieces of property. You might dent your floor, put a hole in a wall, or knock an item off of a counter in your attempts to move it yourself. If you do, you will experience the frustration of two mistakes at once. The reason is that your piano and whatever you hit it on will both sustain damage. Doing so is especially problematic when moving out of a home or apartment because you will need to pay to fix those issues quickly.


Anybody who has injured themselves while moving will tell you that their supposed cost savings were not worth it. The reason is that damages sustained during the moving process can last for weeks or months. You could bump your knee into a wall, strain a muscle, or worst of all, hurt your back. The risk of experiencing those types of injuries is never worth it, no matter how much money you think you’ll save.


Even if you make it out of your moving process without an injury, you will still likely end up sweaty and frustrated. The fact of the matter is that most pianos weigh over 500 pounds. No matter how strong you are or how much help you have, you’re going to feel the strain of that kind of weight. The smarter decision is outsourcing your transportation needs and letting a professional take care of it for you. That way, you can relax and put your efforts into other tasks.


Getting in and out of your two spaces is crucial, but there is another step that many do not think about: Transportation. This issue has two critical aspects. First, you may not have a car large enough to get the job done. Almost every commercial vehicle cannot handle that kind of size and weight, so you’ll have to spend your time and money on renting a truck. Second, even those that rent moving vehicles do not purchase the equipment needed for a safe trip. Instead, they try to pad their piano without training and end up with damage.

Cost Savings

You wouldn’t think that hiring a professional piano moving company would save you money, but it often does. The following are some costs that you might incur if you try to move without help.

  • Piano repair
  • Property repair
  • Moving truck rental
  • Packing supplies
  • Medical bills

Your move will be cheaper when you do it yourself, but only if everything goes precisely as planned. Unfortunately, that almost never happens. Instead, you will likely suffer unexpected costs and pay more in the long run.

When you analyze piano moving, you find that there are many excellent reasons to hire a professional. Doing so will lead to avoiding damage, injuries, and excess strain. Additionally, there is a good chance that it will actually save you money. For these reasons, hiring a piano moving company is one of the smartest things you can do during your move.




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Scott brings philosophical insights and witty wordplay to his writing for Unfinished Man. With wide-ranging interests from bikes to beers, he explores the novelty in everyday life. Scott aims to both inform and entertain readers with his perspectives on culture, technology, and the pursuit of living well.

1 thought on “6 Reasons to Hire a Professional Piano Moving Company”

  1. My daughter intends to bring her piano with her when she moves into her new apartment. It’s a good thing you mentioned that any do-it-yourself project may result in possible damages because you might unintentionally damage a wall. I’ll be sure to let her know about this and suggest that she get help from a professional piano moving company rather than attempting the task herself.


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