Man Up? 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t

It’s odd for a men’s platform to shun male stereotypes, but no one can we aren’t trying to push boundaries here at Man Tripping. Still, please don’t take the title as some hipster, clickbait method to increase traffic. Guys, there is a problem with the phrase “man up.” It’s something men hear all of the time as if it’s as simple as realizing that you had a prostate all along. Even worse, it carries a lot of weight. Men around the world are pressured into suppressing feelings and pretending to be okay just because they want to adhere to a label.

Here are four reasons why it’s a terrible idea.

There’s No Such Thing

Take a quick glance at popular media and you’ll see the fingerprint of manning up everywhere. Big guys in the gym pumping iron in tiny tank tops; women detailing what they find attractive in a man; even The Cure had a song called “Boys Don’t Cry.” With this evidence staring a dude in the face, it’s easy to think that the pandemic is genuine. It isn’t. There are zero parameters of what makes a man unique, apart from, ahem, the crown jewels. Acting aggressively and avoiding your feelings doesn’t make you a man – it makes you brainwashed.

It Doesn’t Help

Conventional wisdom dictates that being a stereotypical man is an advantage. By not expressing how you feel and keeping it deep down, you are somehow winning. Why? Is it because only women are allowed to be sensitive and in touch with their emotions? Anyone who believes this to be true should look at the research. Whether you have a Y chromosome or not has no bearing on your emotional state. Men need to vent as much as women, yet often resist the urge because they’re uncomfortable. Doing this only leads to mental and physical health concerns.

It Stops Recovery

As soon as a physical problem occurs, you go to the doctor and ask for advice. They subscribe a health plan and you follow it to the letter in the hope that you recover. Mental health isn’t the same. For starters, guys are lead to believe it isn’t an issue. Or, it’s something they can easily handle because they are strong. In truth, a person should check out Compass Health Center and ask for help as they would a doctor. Because of the stigma, a good percentage of guys don’t and they suffer from conditions such as depression and bipolar disorder.

People Rely On You

As a husband/boyfriend, parent and family man, people rely on you to be strong. Funnily enough, this is often an excuse for manning up. On the contrary, it’s a reason to shun the stereotype and open up and grow as a person. Relationships only work when there are mutual respect and trust. Shutting off is a sign that you don’t respect or trust your partner or family and can lead to trouble at home.

Regarding the kids, don’t you want them to learn healthy emotional attitudes?



Life Advice

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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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