7 Tips for Keeping Toddlers Busy During Quarantine

As the coronavirus quarantine will last longer than 15 days, coming up with new things to do every day with your toddler will be tough.

If you’re trying to think of good ways of keeping toddlers busy during this time, we have a few useful tips for you. Let’s take a look:

1. Bubble Wrap Games Rock

Do you have any old bubble wrap lying around? Now is definitely the time to crack it out for your toddlers.

Some of the simplest things you have at home will keep your little ones entertained for hours. For example, a cardboard box could become a space ship! Check out more creative ideas at Imagination Ward.

2. Coloring Is Relaxing

When your toddler is worn out from playing in a box or running around on bubble wrap, try to engage them in a coloring activity.

Layout lots of paper and let them draw to their heart’s content. Why not join them in their coloring and show them how much you enjoy this relaxing pastime too?

3. Reading Is Fun

Books are a brilliant way to transport us somewhere else entirely. If you read to your child every day, you will boost their learning capabilities immensely.

Why not read them a picture book then encourage them to look through their books while you read your own book?

4. Nap Time Is Important

When your little one becomes cranky, it’s time for a relaxing nap. Put them down for a sleep and use this time to look after yourself. Perhaps this is a good time to sleep yourself, or to have a relaxing bath?

5. Ask Your Toddler for ‘Help’

Give your toddler important tasks to do while you also clean up or cook. This could be as simple as asking them to put their toys away or giving them a mixture to stir (while supervised, of course!)

6. Try Online Exercise Routines

Are you struggling to contain your little one’s pent up energy? Now is the time to look for an online exercise routine that your toddler can follow.

Why not put on this exercise routine every couple of hours to expend their energy? Join in with your toddler’s routine and you’ll boost your endorphins too.

Check out YouTube for everything from toddler yoga to physical education lessons from quarantined teachers.

7. Don’t Limit Screen Time

This is one of the most unusual times that our generation has lived through. Don’t be hard on yourself for allowing your toddler to enjoy more screen time than normal.

Why not encourage them to watch an educational video before putting on their favorite TV show? You may be surprised by how much your little one can learn by spending time playing a game on an iPad or watching an educational show.

Keeping Toddlers Busy Is Challenging

If you’re in the business of keeping toddlers busy, you’ll know just how much energy they have at all times!

Sticking to some form of routine will mean they know what to expect during this confusing time. If you can, go out for a short walk once per day to burn off some energy but keep your distance from everyone you see.

Have you found this article helpful? Check out the rest of the website for more ways to make it through quarantine successfully.




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Eddie is a writer covering men's lifestyle topics for Unfinished Man. With a business degree and passion for writing, he provides reviews on the latest cars, gadgets, and other interests for today's man. Eddie crafts entertaining and informative articles aimed at helping readers live their best lives.

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