6 Factors To Look Out For While Purchasing CBD Topicals

If you are new to the world of CBD topicals, then you must be wondering where to start. Well, we have got your back. We will tell you the factors you should look for while purchasing a topical cream from an online shop or some other platform. Let’s start with buying them from reliable sources, like Koi CBD.

CBD and THC Content

It’s important to note that CBD and THC content is not always listed on the label. However, a good rule of thumb is that the higher the Cannabidiol content, the better. Of course, this assumes you don’t need any psychoactive effects from your topical application.

The more diluted your topical product is with CBD and other ingredients such as coconut oil or olive oil (which makes for a very thick product), it will be less effective than if it were made with pure cannabis oils like hemp seed oil or hemp extract.

Also, remember that different companies use different ratios of cannabinoids in their products; some will use 3:1 (CBD: THC), while others might use 5:1 or even 10:1 ratios. Consider looking into what each company offers before making a purchase decision!


With CBD topicals, the ingredients are crucial. The first thing to look at is cannabis oil. The most popular types of Cannabidiol oil are hemp-based or full spectrum. This refers to how much THC is present in the product—one should avoid CBD products with high levels of THC as they can cause a psychoactive effect, though some brands use these types that don’t make you high.

Next, look at what carrier oil is used for delivering Cannabidiol into your skin: coconut oil or beeswax are generally considered safe options as they have been used for centuries in many cultures worldwide. One may also add other ingredients, such as essential oils, for their therapeutic benefits and fragrance properties.

You must research before buying if you’re looking for a CBD-infused topical. Start by

looking at the ingredients and ensuring they’re all natural—there should be little to no added chemicals or preservatives. Next, check out the brand’s website and social media presence to see if they have any reviews or testimonials from previous customers (and what kind).

topical cream

Check the Certificate of Analysis (COA)

A Certificate of Analysis (COA) contains a lab test’s results. It shows you the quality and purity of your CBD topical product, including a breakdown of the cannabinoid content. There are many different kinds of COAs, but here’s how you can read one and understand what to look for:

  • A certificate should include information about the batch number and date it was tested and details like where it was grown, extracted, or manufactured and if there are any contaminants in your product, such as heavy metals or mold. The company will also include this information on your certificate!
  • After checking these things out first hand by reading through its relevant section carefully before buying anything else from them again because now we know better than ever before about what makes up our bodies’ chemistry, so do not get fooled again into believing something may work when it doesn’t just because someone says otherwise!
  • The best way to determine if a product is of high quality is by reading through the ingredients list and checking that it contains only natural ingredients. This can be difficult when shopping online, so look for third-party certifications before ordering anything from an unknown brand.


Potency is significant because it affects how effective the topical will be. The higher the potency, the more influential the topical will be. For example, if you have a 10% Cannabidiol product and a 20% CBD product, you won’t get as much relief from using the lower potency one as compared to its counterpart.

If you are new to CBD topicals, start with a lower concentration first to figure out what works best for your needs without having an adverse reaction due to its potency level.

Cannabidiol topicals are safe and effective when used as directed. It’s essential to follow the instructions on the label, and if you have any concerns or questions about its use, talk to your doctor.

Storage Guidelines

You should store CBD topical products in a cool, dry place. This is to prevent the product from losing its efficacy. Moreover, it is crucial to keep it safe from contamination and degradation.

The best places to store your Cannabidiol topicals are in your home’s bathroom or linen cabinet, as these areas are usually calm and dry. However, if you want to keep your products in another room (like a kitchen), ensure that it is away from direct sunlight and heat sources like ovens or stoves.

CBD topicals should also be kept away from moisture-laden areas, such as bathrooms with showers or sinks nearby; this can cause them to become sticky and less effective during application.

Read Reviews and Consult a Doctor

  • Read reviews. Check the product reviews to see what others say about the topical CBD. Look for adverse reactions, and note whether people had a positive or negative experience with the product.
  • Consult your doctor. If you have any medical conditions or are taking other medications, talk to your doctor before using a Cannabidiol topical cream or gel.
  • Make sure it’s legal in your state. The legality of hemp-based products can vary from state to state, so make sure you know local laws before ordering one online or purchasing one at a store near you that sells cannabis products like tinctures and balms THC-infused edibles (like chocolate bars).

If you think CBD topical products are right, start with a small amount and see how your body reacts. If you don’t experience any adverse reactions, slowly increase the amount you use over time to find what works best for your needs.


We hope this article has helped you understand the factors to consider when purchasing CBD topicals. If you still have any doubts, feel free to consult a health professional or read product reviews.



Health & Fitness

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Santiago writes about the fascinating, unexpected side of life for Unfinished Man. He explores intriguing subcultures, people, and trends that reveal the weirdness hiding below the surface. Santiago provides an insider’s perspective shaped by his own experiences pushing boundaries and embracing the unconventional. His curiosity and passion for storytelling give readers a glimpse into unfamiliar worlds.

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