5 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy

It seems like every other day there’s a new article about how you can get cancer, or foods that cause obesity or make you sick, and in conjunction with that hundreds upon hundreds of little pieces of advice that you should “take to heart” or implement into your life to make sure you stay “healthy.” With all of these things swirling around the Internet and news sources, it can be hard to know what’s factual, what’s the most important and what you can, more or less, ignore. At the very least, you can know the five more important ways and things you should be doing in every day life to ensure your health.

No, we don’t mean you need to go to the gym every single day, but exercise is proven to be good for your body and your mind. This could be as simple as opting the stairs of the escalator or the parking spot at the end of the lot instead of 10 steps away from the front door. Just make sure you’re moving, that’s what’s important.

Yes, this is a big one and a bit of advice that should definitely not be ignored. Although many things claim to cause cancer, UV rays do in fact do so, and not using sunscreen could put yourself at risk. It’s just not worth it, there are other ways to tan that are far safer and although it’s not pleasant, a bit of greasy cream on your skin is better than causing your body serious harm.

Eat A Balanced Diet
You don’t have to be chugging three smoothies a day and keeping to a strict diet to be healthy, you just need to enjoy richer and unhealthier foods in moderation. You can still have that cake, just maybe only one piece instead of three.

It’s important to remember that a healthy diet can be different for everyone and everyone’s bodies are different. Just do what’s right for you and just try and be a bit conscious about what you’re eating.

Don’t Smoke
We’ve all been hearing this one for decades, and although the habit can be hard to kick is it truly one of the most important pieces of advice when it comes to staying healthy. We don’t need to go into the ways in which smoking is bad for your body and lungs, just know it’s up there in the top five things you should be trying to avoid to stay healthy for as long as possible.

Drink Alcohol in Moderation
Just like a healthy diet, drinking alcohol in excess is bad for you, primarily your liver, and although there’s no serious harm to having several drinks a week, overdoing it can cause you serious health ramifications.

These five ways to stay healthy are the most important ways you can lead a successful and healthy life. While there are other factors as well, these five top the charts and making one of these changes could significantly improve your quality of life.



Health & Fitness

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Rasha writes about family, parenting, and home décor for Unfinished Man. Drawing from her experiences raising her own kids, she provides tips on creating warm, welcoming spaces. Rasha also shares home staging expertise to help transform houses into magazine-worthy dream homes.

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