How to Prepare for a Divorce as a Man

If you’ve come to realize that your marriage is not as happy as it once was and that you might be headed for divorce, there are several things that you need to do in order to prepare for the divorce process so that you aren’t caught unaware. Even if you aren’t sure if divorce is in your future, but think it might be a possibility, it is best to prepare. Here are five steps every man should take if they believe that divorce may be on the horizon.

Don’t Be Confrontational

Nothing good ever comes from discord and confrontation. While you may want to bring issues to the surface, you are better off to begin quietly preparing for the possibility of divorce. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t talk about problems in your marriage with your spouse, but it’s important not to be confrontational as this may jeopardize your chances of gaining custody of your children or your favor with the courts.

Collect Financial Records

Now is not the time to begin grabbing money and moving it offshore. But it is time to begin collecting financial documents and keeping them in a safe place. Make copies of tax returns, your spouse’s check stubs, bank statements, credit card statements and more. You will need to have copies in order to ensure a fair calculation of child support, spousal support and more.

Get a new mailing address and private safety deposit box

You will want to have your correspondence from your attorney sent to an address other than your primary address. This will ensure that you remain non-confrontational. In addition, you will need to store all of the financial records that you are collecting in a safe place outside of the home. It is also recommended to set up a new email address and have correspondence that you want to keep private sent to that address. 

Start a new Bank Account

Your spouse should not be listed on the account. This is not so that you can start grabbing money from the joint account and stashing it away, but to provide you with a place to start saving they money you will need if you are the one who winds up having to move out. It will also help you pay attorney’s fees and other expenses. You will still need to contribute to the household account. 

The idea is that you will want to protect yourself financially in the event that a divorce arises. You are not intentionally being subversive, just cautious. You can learn more about the steps you can take to prepare yourself for a potential divorce by visiting websites like Cordell & Cordell and other well known sites. They all offer valuable information that you may find useful. 

After the divorce

After everything is said and done and you’re a free man, you might want to start thinking about the next great love of your life. To make sure you don’t make the same mistake with the wrong section, head on over to our dating section for some valuable advice.



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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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