No Sweat – Looking Good When You’re Working Out

More and more guys avoid working out in public because they have fears about how they look. This goes far beyond the odd bulge under your tee, or a spot of wobble in your glutes. We’re talking sweat. Not a good look, right? The drips from your eyebrows, the wet patches in your shorts, and the revolting stains under the arms are pretty horrific. The thing is, they don’t actually happen as much as you think they do. And yes, they can be avoided!

All of us should be exercising at least three times per week. The body needs it, the mind needs it, and the soul needs it too. Exercising does indeed burn off those excess calories from the weekend’s indulgences. But it also improves the circulation to help offer clarity of mind and even better quality sleep. As for your soul? It feels pretty good when those endorphins kick in around the twelve-minute mark! Did you know that sweating is one of the best ways to detox your body and skin? So don’t avoid the exercise – avoid the sweat!

Where Are You Working Out?

If you’re really worried about how you look when you work out, then consider exercising in private. However, think about the gym situation. Sit down for ten minutes at your local gym, and watch. The vast majority of people are staring at the readout on their equipment or up at the TV. Nobody is watching what other people are doing except the spotters over at the weight’s bench.

While you’re doing what you hope nobody will do to you, check out how the guys look (not in that way!) Chances are there are all shapes and sizes in the gym. You don’t have to look the buffest, and you’re definitely not in the worst shape. Nobody is judging you, but it won’t hurt to give yourself a little self-esteem. Why not try a confidence-boosting course? Worrying about how you look won’t change how you look, after all.

There are plenty of alternatives to the gym if you’re really worried about it, though. You can enjoy power walking or road jogging. You can even invest in a treadmill or cross trainer for your home. Why not book a couple of different exercise classes? Everybody’s eyes are on the instructor at the front, so nobody is going to be looking at you.

What Do You Enjoy Doing For Your Work Out?

Even the least sporty guys enjoyed something active when they were kids. You might have liked riding your bicycle or having swimming races with your siblings. If you’re going to get sweaty, do it for something you really love. Then you won’t care too much about the sweat! It’s good for your mental health to take time for activities you enjoy too.

swimming splash sports swimmer
Photo by Mali

If you did enjoy swimming, then the perspiration won’t show anyway. Sure, your whole body will be glistening, but that’s because you’ve been in the pool. It doesn’t look like oozing bodily fluids at least. Still, it will wreck your hair, unless you’re prepared to wear a cap. And yes, pretty much all of your body will be on show.

Not all exercise works up a sweat. Yoga is pretty hard work and gives you a good all-around workout, but you don’t see many people coming out of a class with pit stains. Tai Chi also works most of your muscles. It is slower in pace and perhaps less aerobic than other activities you might be interested in. It can still burn plenty of calories and tone up most of your muscle groups.

Essential Equipment To Tackle The Sweats

If you’re about to start a work out, take two hand towels with you. Use one on your body where you’re most likely sweating, and the other to wipe your face at the end. This can help stop the spread of bacteria that can cause spots and blemishes. It will also ensure you’ve got something dry to use!

people jogging on bridge
Photo by Unsplash

Sweatbands come in all shapes and sizes, but they all effectively do the same thing. They stop the sweat from running or dripping.

Wrist sweatbands are essential when you’re gripping weights or holding on to moving equipment. They help to prevent hands and fingers becoming wet and slippery. Head bands sit below the hairline on the forehead to prevent any sweat running in your eyes. If this has ever happened to you, then you’ll know it’s not just distracting, it stings. Ultimately, there is a lot of ammonia, urea (yes, like urine) and salt in there.

Sweat-wicking garments are often worn by athletes and sports stars. That doesn’t mean they are expensive. Most of these clothes are found in regular sports stores. They don’t tend to appear wet when you sweat, so you’re not likely to see pit stains. They are also really lightweight and offer that level of breath-ability in the fabric that you need when you’re feeling really warm. Dump the tees and go for proper sports apparel.

Other Sweat Reducing Tips

There are lots of reasons why some people sweat more than others. Sweat is a normal part of healthy living. However, too much perspiration can be more than embarrassing. It can also leave you dehydrated. If you believe you sweat too much even when you don’t work out, see your doctor.

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Photo by Julian

Excessive sweating can be caused by hormone imbalances and some medical conditions. If you often perspire from places other than the usual underarm area, then consider a few clever wardrobe changes. Choose natural fabrics like cotton and linen. Avoid skin touching skin by wearing a cotton tee, good fitting underpants, and even lightweight pajama bottoms in bed.

Consider lowering your body temperature with cold drinks if you feel the heat is getting to you. Think about changing your diet. Spicy foods can make you sweat, and they can also change the odor of that sweat. Oats and almonds are thought to be quite good foods to eat if you want to avoid excess sweating. Fruits and plenty of water are good too.

If you sweat when you’re under pressure, consider learning some stress relieving techniques. Don’t touch your face or your hair when you’re nervous. Instead, control your breathing and keep your heart rate steady. This also works well to keep your mind focussed. It will reduce those instances of red-face too so you can be assured you’re still looking pretty good under pressure.

Do Your Stink?

Stinky sweat is a sign you’re dehydrated. It might also indicate you’re not eating the right foods! Check your diet and reduce processed foods as much as possible. Meat and dairy can also alter the odor of your sweat. Go for a banana before you work out and wash down with a tall glass of chilled water.

drinking water

Antiperspirant deodorant is best for anyone that works up a sweat. The deodorant bit is all about the fragrance. It is designed to mask any unpleasant odors that may emanate during your hard work. It should smell pretty good to anybody passing by too! The antiperspirant bit is designed to reduce or even stop the sweat from happening in the first place. Of course, it’s not suitable to be applied everywhere! But it should stop those pit stains that you hate. Be wary – it can also mark clothing and cause stains on whites too.

It’s All Over Your Face

Open pores and sweaty faces lead to bacteria and blemishes (yes, spots.) This is obviously not a great look for anyone. Make sure you thoroughly cleanse your face after washing the sweat away and use cold water to close the pores. There are also several skin care ranges for men that will do the same thing.

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Photo via Pixabay

Red faces can’t always be avoided, but that healthy glow can actually be quite attractive. Don’t be ashamed of looking like you’ve had a workout. It’s a sign of good health. Cool drinks and a cold splash of water can take the heat and the redness out of your skin. Some redness is caused by a reaction to balms and other skin products mixing with sweat. Wash your face before you start getting hot and sweaty to reduce this.

Who Are You Trying To Impress Anyway?

If you’re working out at the gym to look good, then maybe the look you’re after turns up beyond the showers. Are you really trying to impress any of the other people at the gym? You can wear all the right gear and choose the right length of shorts to complement your calves, but you’re there to do a job. The only person you should be trying to impress is you.

A good sweat is the sign of a good workout. It’s something to be proud of! Look good as you workout – with or without the sweat.



Health & Fitness

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Adam runs the grooming section at Unfinished Man, where he reviews the latest hair, skin, and shave products for men. With a passion for men's grooming, he continuously tests shampoos, conditioners, gels, moisturizers, razors, and more. Adam provides knowledgeable, trustworthy recommendations to help readers upgrade their routines. His background in evaluating hundreds of products makes him an expert on finding the best innovations for every guy's needs.

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