I’ve written about a metric shit-ton of man caves and bachelor pads in my day. Many of our readers are men trying to improve their bachelor pads, so it makes sense. But I’m not going to lie… it gets a little old sometimes.
That’s why it’s so nice to finally cover one of our own reader’s man caves, right in the heart of LA’s Arts District. Check this out…

The neighborhood may not look like much, but housed within this 106-year-old building (constructed 1908… math!) is a beautiful, modern living space.

Armin uses the main floor for photography and treats the rest of his house as his personal living space. He’s a true man, having built almost everything you see in the following photographs. Color me impressed.

As a brief personal aside, I’m a big fan of the open concept living space. My apartment has a large open area that I call the “dance floor,” It gives me plenty of room to dance, exercise, and do spin-kicks without damaging anything. As a wise man once said, there’s so much room for activities!

This is the entrance to the kitchen area, and if you look the way in the back, you’ll find something unique…

If you’re wondering what exactly you’re looking at, let me explain: it’s an old-school freight elevator, and the dining room is housed within it. I’m not sure if it’s still functional, but boy, would that be something.

I’ve shown you a tiny sample of the total package. There’s also an old-school salon-style bathroom (you’ll see) and a modern, classy-looking bedroom. If you’re interested in learning more, you can view the entire photo collection.
Lastly, I would like to thank Armin for giving me the heads-up about his wonderful place. It’s an inspiration for all of us.