Etiquette Guide for the Modern Lady

Every lady must use proper etiquette because fashion trends change all the time, but good manners never go out of style. A graceful lady is bound to succeed in all aspects of life. Here is the etiquette guide for the modern lady:

Control your mood swings

Mood swings are common for ladies, especially during that time of the month. Despite feeling awkward during these days, a lady should always control her mood swings so that her manners are not affected. Conduct yourself in a positive way to lift your mood. Being polite and smiling will ensure everyone you interact with receives only the positive energy you emit.

Check your manicure and pedicure

It’s an unwritten crime for a modern lady to go out in public with chipped nails, even when she is wearing an amazing outfit. You have to cut, file, and polish your nails to complement your outfit. Dressing well is the oldest form of manners in civilized societies.

Be gracious at all times

Grace is defined as being courteous and kind with a personality of generosity, exquisite taste, and charm. Graciousness can be used in numerous life situations; for example, you can take time to assist a stranger in need or use a gentle approach to break up a relationship. The golden rule to follow here is to treat others the way you would like them to treat you.

Don’t use the smartphone too much

When you’re with other people, avoid staring at your smartphone excessively while ignoring your companions. Most modern ladies want to document their lives with selfies and Instagram posts but don’t let the technology distract you from enjoying the moment. When in the company of people under 40, you can keep the phone in silent mode but keep it completely out of sight when you’re with older people because they might feel more disrespected.

Deal with rivals tactfully

Don’t let other people’s bad habits bring you down to their level. Avoid being nasty when dealing with people who are generally pushy. This can be either at home, school, or workplace. Always tell a person what you feel but do it in a sassy way with a smile on your face.

Don’t drink too many cocktails

There is nothing worse than being carried out of the club or an event by your friends because you did not count how many cocktail glasses you had, and they took a toll on you. Pace yourself when you drink; the effects of the alcohol will not overwhelm you because you’ll be in full control of the situation.

Be confident always

Confidence is the key to interacting politely with other people while still maintaining your uniqueness. Take pride in your choices and beliefs, but do not force everyone around you to be like you. Celebrate your strengths and talents to build confidence.

Be considerate

Consider the people around you at all times. For example, most ladies are guilty of having loud, lengthy conversations in a public place; the reason why you need to avoid this behavior is self-explanatory. Note down all the things that annoy you when in public and try as much as possible to avoid them.




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Emma covers dating and relationships for Unfinished Man, bringing a witty woman's perspective to her writing. She empowers independent women to pursue fulfillment in life and love. Emma draws on her adventures in modern romance and passion for self-improvement to deliver relatable advice.

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