10 Healthy Living Tips Following a Spinal Cord Injury

Following a balanced diet and doing plenty of exercise are two principles of healthy living that we are all familiar with. For individuals who have sustained a spinal cord injury, they become increasingly more important to adhere to, partly due to the more sedentary lifestyle that typically comes hand in hand with this type of injury.

Below are 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle following a spinal cord injury, including pointers related to diet and exercise:

1. Regular Exercise

Regular physical exercise is important for everyone and there are plenty of ways to work out following a spinal cord injury, even with restricted mobility. Exercise helps to increase energy levels, improve the mood of the individual and regulate sleep patterns. Exercise can also help with pain management, and lower-cholesterol levels.

 2. A Well Balanced Diet

Good nutrition is a vital part of staying healthy after a spinal cord injury. A healthy diet will help to keep the body strong and the mind active, as well as reduce the risk of certain further medical problems occurring. Foods that are high in fiber should form an important part of the diet, as pointed out in this blog post by Epidural Stimulation Now which looks in detail at the best type of nutritional advice to follow after sustaining this type of injury.

3. Limiting Alcohol Intake


Dealing with a spinal cord injury is tough, and some individuals may turn to alcohol to deal with it.  Alcohol can cause serious health problems and can react badly with medication. Excessive drinking can also cause water loss, which could lead to kidney problems.

4. Planning a Daily Routine

Some individuals may feel as though they have a lack of control in their life following a serious injury to the spine. By planning ahead and creating a daily routine, this can potentially be avoided.

5. Staying Positive

A life-changing event like sustaining a spinal cord injury could potentially leave anyone feeling despondent and negative about the future. Finding positive ways of thinking can help to lighten the load. Deep breathing exercises and positive affirmations may help to achieve this.

6.  Joining a Local Support Group

During the recovery process it is important for patients to understand that they are not alone.  Local support groups can help individuals to understand the process the mind and body goes through following a spinal cord injury, as well as offering opportunities to meet like-minded individuals.  Engaging with people who have been through similar experiences is really important and support groups can usually be found in local hospitals or rehabilitation centers.

7. Participating in Adaptive Sports

wheelchair basketball

Adaptive sports are designed to allow individuals with mobility issues to take part in recreational or competitive sports in their area. These type of activities are highly beneficial for physical fitness and will aid the rehabilitation process, as well as offering social interaction.

8. Avoiding Fast Foods

Eating well is important for keeping healthy and avoiding weight gain. Fast foods may seem like a quick fix for an easy meal, but fast food really should be avoided following a spinal cord injury.  High in fat, sugar and salt, these types of food are loaded with calories that can lead to obesity. They also have a lower nutritional value than freshly prepared meals which can aggravate bowel conditions, cause constipation or leave you feeling bloated and full.  Eat fresh to avoid the excess fat, cholesterol and sodium that these foods often contain.

9. Drinking Plenty Of Water

Our bodies are made up of a high percentage of water, and we should all drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day to prevent against headaches, dizzy spells, dry skin and muscle cramps. Water is vital for regulating body temperature, easing constipation and aiding metabolism and kidney function.

10. Maintaining healthy skin

Being inactive can lead to poor circulation, which in turn can affect the look and feel of the skin. Pressure from sitting in the one position for long periods of time, damp skin caused by incontinence and even smoking can all have a negative effect on the skin.  Keep it soft and smooth by drinking plenty of water, applying a barrier cream if necessary, cutting down on smoking and alcohol and eating a healthy diet.



Health & Fitness

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Ben covers food and travel for Unfinished Man. He has spent years sampling flavors and reviewing restaurants across the globe. Whether scouting the latest eateries in town or the top emerging chefs, Sam provides insider tips for savoring local cuisine. His passion for food drives him to continuously discover new destinations and dining experiences to share. Sam offers travelers insightful recommendations on maximizing flavor and fun.

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