Three Top Tips for Staying Fit in Winter

When the days are long and the evenings are warm, staying in shape hardly feels like a chore at all. Even for the less motivated, a relaxed jog through your local park, with the crickets chirping and dusk setting, is a great way to end your day.

As winter approaches, however, the prospect of keeping fit begins to seem quite overwhelming. For 9-5ers, finishing in the dark becomes a daily occurrence, and the thought of changing into your running gear, stepping outside with the wind howling and the rain needling your face, and running through lamp-lit streets is not high on your list of priorities.

Luckily for you, changing your routine and adding some winter appropriate fitness habits can make all the difference. Don’t let all of your hard work this summer go to waste; follow these three top tips to stay in shape…

Tip #1: Eat Right

Some types of exercise are weather dependent, but eating right isn’t, and the correct diet should be the foundation upon which all fitness regimes are built. Although the winter season poses lots of challenges, not least those ever-available tins of chocolate, Christmas candies, and hot dinners, a little willpower goes a long way towards keeping you in shape. Luckily, there are lots of great websites, like SuperBody, that are literally overflowing with advice to help you. Try swapping sweets for super foods today, and spending a little less time outside really won’t matter as much as you think.

Tip #2: Give Indoor Sports a Go

Of course, cold weather doesn’t rule out all sports. Although running, cycling, football, and other outdoor activities might seem a lot less appealing, try seeing the change of seasons as an opportunity to do something new. Spinning, aerobics, circuit training, and time in the gym all offer the chance to stay in shape without facing the weather. The next time you pass your local leisure centre, pop in to see what classes are on offer and/or how much membership would cost you.

Tip #3: Get Properly Kitted Out

Finally, spend some time thinking about whether you really want to change your current exercise regime. If the answer is ‘no’, then look at how you can work around the cold snaps. You’ll find that there’s lots of sporting kit that’s specially designed for winter weather, and this is perfectly capable of keeping you toasty warm when there’s a bit of a chill in the air. You should also consider investing in waterproof footwear to keep out the worst of the inevitable rain, and high-visibility accessories to help you stay safe in the dark.

Keep fit this winter with these three top tips.



Health & Fitness

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Faisal is the cofounder and automotive photographer at Unfinished Man. He provides insider perspectives on the latest rides through his acclaimed photography. Faisal also serves as the site's watch expert, staying on the pulse of emerging timepieces. His seasoned eye for men's lifestyle products makes him an authoritative voice.

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