Many times throughout history, people have invented things that they market as one product, but that which people know is actually used for a very different thing. In an older episode of Mad Man, the team was tasked with marketing a vibrating weight loss belt for women. Peggy got her hands on it, tried it out, and learned why women were *actually* buying it. See where I’m going with this? The reason I mention this story is that I believe this Horizontal Shower from German manufacturer Donbracht follows the same marketing strategy. Sell a unique looking shower that’s better suited to activities of an erotic nature than simply getting clean. Let me explain.
When you look at this shower, what do you see? In many of the photos I see a hot looking woman, but I also see an incredibly cold surface, and filth. What person would possibly enjoy waking up in the morning only to lay on an ice-cold slab of porcelein? I sure as hell wouldn’t, and I couldn’t imagine anyone else enjoying that either. Not only would the surface be cold, but it would hardly be practical for actual washing. A person would need to flop around like a seal to get clean, and then be laying in their own filth after all that effort… the whole thing just seems rather suspect to me. No, instead I believe the manufacturer had a completely different use in mind for their horizontal shower.
Horizontal Shower in Action
Though this seems terrible for getting clean, this shower looks perfect for banging. You have a good solid surface, in a place that demands being naked. When you’re done, you simply turn the shower on and hose each other off, after you’ve already hosed each other off.
Yes, the shower surface would probably still be cold, but when you’re doing the dirty, would you really notice? I highly doubt it.
If you enjoy the occasional romp in a shower, but find the confined space and vertical nature of the shower annoying, give the horizontal shower by Donbracht a try. If nothing else, your bathroom will look like a scene out of Blade Runner, and we all know who (what) Deckard got to bang.
You’ll find more information on the horizontal shower here.