The Best Gadgets for Your Elderly Relative to Stay Independent

People are living longer which is great news. However, it can be difficult for people as they age to keep being independent. Daily tasks become more difficult and this can be both physically and mentally challenging.

Most people want to stay at home for as long as they can without having to move into a nursing home. The rise in news stories around nursing homes such as a nursing home attack may have got you thinking about helping your relative to stay at home for longer. Maintaining independence encourages a happier and longer life.

Walking aids

Mobility aids are a great way to keep someone walking. They can prevent falls and help people to walk for longer. One great walking aid is portable walking chairs. They help people to walk but also have somewhere for them to sit if they need a rest.

Continuing to be able to get out of the house and walk to the shop, speak to neighbors or walk the dog can be integral to someone’s wellbeing. It will also keep them physically fit.

Key turners

If your relative has trouble unlocking the door then you can get specially designed key fobs which will unlock it for them. Small keys might be difficult to manage, especially for people with arthritis.

If your loved one has arthritis speak to their doctor to see if there are exercises that they can be doing to help maintain their mobility.

Garden stool

Continuing to keep on top of a garden can be challenging for elderly people. However, you can get stools that they can kneel on so that they can get down low but also get back up again.

Keeping the garden looking good is a great activity – it gets people out of the house and provides them with something they can care for. This could give them a sense of purpose and pride.

Stair aids

If your loved one is struggling to get up and down the stairs, then you should first consider a handrail. This will keep them going up and down the stairs which is good exercise. You can also get rails for other parts of the house, such as hallways and bathrooms.

If they are not able to do this, however, or it becomes dangerous then you should consider a stairlift.

Assistive technology

Assistive technology is a great way to put everyone’s mind at ease. You can put motion sensors or alarms in bathrooms and bedrooms so that you will be alerted if they have a fall.

You can also implement technology that can warn you if they have forgotten to take their medication. Smart homes are becoming cheaper and more accessible and are a great way to keep elderly people at home for longer.

Kitchen tools

You could also invest in kitchen tools to keep them being able to cook healthy meals for themselves. You can get automatic jar openers, lift lifters and electric can openers. You can find out more here.




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Oliver is an aspiring automotive journalist covering all things cars and motorsports. Drawing on his lifelong passion for vehicles, he provides engaging reviews and stories from his adventures in the automotive world. Oliver pairs his writing with photography to give readers an insider's perspective.

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