Subtle Signs Of Potential Car Trouble

In most cases, you will know when your car isn’t safe to drive. Should the dashboard have more flashing lights on it than last year’s Christmas tree, or if your exhaust is spewing out way more black smoke than it should be, then you know you have trouble on your hands.

However, there are also warning signs that are a little more subtle. You might barely notice them, or you might ignore them altogether as you might assume you are in no immediate danger. But be warned; while you might not need to think about choosing a new vehicle just yet, you should still get your car checked out just in case you a) have an accident on the road, and b) have to pay out on bigger repair costs if any small issues cause you and your car greater problems.

#1: A small chip in your windshield

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A small chip can quickly get worse (image)

A loose stone from the road can cause a small chip in your windshield, and while it might seem insignificant, you are actually in serious danger. Over time, that chip can spread into a larger crack, especially during the warmer months when the sun can cause the glass on your windshield to expand. Not only will this cause you visibility problems, but over time, your weakened glass might shatter, and that will cause you greater issues on the road. Should you notice a chip in your glass then, you can apply superglue to it to prevent it from spreading further. You might also buy a windshield repair kit from your local car store. However, you might also call on the services of Auto Glass Replacement or similar, especially when that small and seemingly innocuous chip begins to cause further damage across your windshield. A professional will asses the damage, and either fix or replace your glass. The expense will be worth it, especially considering your life could be at risk on the road.

#2: Squeaky brakes



There are some car noises you don’t want to ignore. Should you hear a knocking under the hood or a loud bang from your exhaust when you start your car, as examples, you probably realise your car has something seriously at fault somewhere. We are sure you would then do the right thing and seek the advice of a professional. But if you hear the occasional squeak when applying your brakes, you might not take the noise as seriously as you should. This is especially the case when driving in wet weather, as the odd squeak can be expected. However, should that squeaking sound persist, and should it get louder over time, then it is a sign that your brake pads are becoming worn down. The longer you drive without taking your car to the garage, the higher the likelihood that one day you will apply your foot to the brakes to no avail, as your car will continue moving forward, despite the pressure you exert from your foot. This isn’t helpful, especially when you are approaching a junction or another car comes to a stop in front of you. Our advice? Do the sensible thing, and at the earliest sign of trouble, take your car to the garage so a qualified mechanic can assess the problem and if necessary, replace your failing brake pads.


While we’re sure you would get your car checked out for more noticeable problems, you shouldn’t neglect anything that might seem insignificant. These include the examples we have presented here. You see, even the smallest fault in your car could end up being costly, both to your pocket and to your life. Do the sensible thing then, and ALWAYS seek the advice of a professional. It’s better to be safe than sorry, after all!




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Noman covers automotive news and reviews for Unfinished Man. His passion for cars informs his in-depth assessments of the latest models and technologies. Noman provides readers with insightful takes on today's top makes and models from his hands-on testing and research.

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