Man’s Guide to Cosmetic Surgery: Liposuction

Men want them, women want to see them, and they tell the story of a person who’s put maximum time and effort into his appearance. Six pack abdominals, the calling card for fitness, will always be one of the most desired parts of the male anatomy. Unfortunately, today’s lifestyle makes attaining this feat a little more difficult than it may have been for your dad and grandfather. Long hours sitting at a desk, an abundance of yummy treats, and less time hauling logs and chasing hogs mean more meat around the middle. However, if you’re willing to sacrifice a little comfort and a chunk of change, that six pack may be closer than you think.

Previously stereotyped as a beauty measure just for women, cosmetic surgery is on the up-and-up among today’s appearance-conscious man. One of the most popular choices for men today is liposuction, a procedure in which your surgeon vacuums the fat from your chosen body part. While no surgery is a small deal, this one is minimally invasive and requires only a short amount of time for recovery. So, with that in mind, New Birkdale Clinic have created a mans guide to cosmetic surgery for that oh-so-important abdominal region.

Before any procedure, your surgeon will want to get to know you. During your consultation, they will learn all they can about your health history, diet, fitness regimen, and other lifestyle factors. This way, they can conclude whether liposuction is best for you, and they can also construct a game plan to ensure you get the complete, lasting results you expect.

When you arrive for your appointment on the big day, they make sure you, and whomever accompanies you to the procedure, are comfortable. You will be put under anesthesia, using whichever method they have chosen for you, to ease the discomfort of the procedure. A local anesthesia will be applied to the specific area of the surgery in order to keep the bleeding to a minimum.

You don’t have to worry about large, visible scars as a result of your liposuction either; surgeons can create small incisions that can heal to be barely visible. They will use a thin, hollow tool, called a cannula, to break up the excess fat from your abdomen. Afterwards, they suction the excess fat from your body using a surgical vacuum.

Resting is vital to recovery. Swelling is normal post surgery and once this subsides, you will be able to see the true results of your procedure. Recovery time varies but many patients are back to work and normal life within two weeks or less – – only now, their normal includes great abs.

The results of liposuction will last for many years, given you maintain a solid health and fitness regimen.



Health & Fitness

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Jared writes lifestyle content for Unfinished Man with an edgy, provocative voice. His passion for tattoos informs his unique perspective shaped by self-expression. Jared's knack for storytelling and ability to connect with readers delivers entertaining takes on modern manhood.

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