Like a Boss: Tips to Make a Living Doing What You Love

Would you absolutely love to make a living doing something that you love? I think we all would. The only thing stopping people is fear. They’re scared they won’t make it, or that something will go wrong. They’d rather stay at their safe yet boring job for the rest of their lives until it’s time to retire. It’s never too late to change up your career and do something you love. You can even become your own boss! Here are some tips to help you work this all out:

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone

If you want to make a living doing something that you love, you need to step outside of your comfort zone. As the saying goes, that’s where life really starts. Staying comfortable is safer and less hassle, but you’ll never truly be happy this way. Even if following your passion makes you feel uncomfortable, you should go for it. You only get one life!

Take it One Step at a Time

Don’t try to rush to the finish line. Following your dreams can take years to come to fruition, so take it one step at a time. If you feel down about it all, remember that you’re slowly working your way towards your ultimate goal. That’s the most important thing!

Do Something You’re Good at

It only makes sense to do something you’re good at as well as something you love. If you love singing, but you can’t sing in tune, you may need to reconsider. Do something you enjoy and something you’re good at and the results will usually come naturally.

Write Down Why You Shouldn’t and Come up With Solutions

People are always going to try to discourage you from doing something risky like this, especially yourself. Instead of trying to bat away fears and concerns, actually come up with a list of reasons why you shouldn’t do this. Then come up with a solution for them. Then come up with a list why you should do this. I’m pretty certain the reasons you should and solutions will help you to move forward!

Get Rid of Time Sucks in Your Day

We all have something that sucks the time right out of our day. It might be your favourite TV program, or social media. Whatever it is, try to get rid of them as best you can. Free up at least a few hours a day to spend time on your idea, so you can make it a big success. You’ll miss your program for a while, but the satisfaction you have when starting up your business will be so worth it.

Find More Time with Multitasking

When you can multi task, do so. Rather than simply cook your dinner, cook your dinner and listen to a helpful podcast. Eat your dinner and look for farms for sale. There are so many ways you can make the most of your time.

Find a Good Support Network

A good support network should include a mentor, a peer, and people who support your journey. Cut out anybody who doesn’t support you. You’ll be much better off for it!

Ready to make a living doing what you love? Go for it!



Power & Money

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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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