How to Avoid Losing Your “Vape Taste”

Ever had your favorite e-liquid for your vape pen lose its ‘signature’ taste for no apparent reason? The taste just isn’t the same, or maybe the intensity of the taste is not there anymore. Believe it or not, this can be quite a common experience, especially for long term e-cig use. They even coined a term for this phenomenon.

Vaper’s tongue syndrome occurs after using the same flavor for a while. There are a number of factors that can lead to changes in flavor when it comes to e-cigarettes.

Faulty E-Cigarette

A faulty device can cause a change in your e-cigarette’s flavor profile. Blocked or even broken parts can lead to problems in the device. Dirt build up inside the tank or even around the mouthpiece area can also alter the taste.

Check for problems on your e-cig and give it a proper cleaning. Sometimes the better option is to get a new one that can do the job right. For quality items, you have to get your supplies at proven and reliable sources. Check around your area. Shops like the E-Cigarette Shop London offer a wide range of products with excellent quality and prices.

A Matter of Redundancy

Imagine this. You eat the same thing every day, and you eventually get sick of it. Eating something spicy daily builds up your tolerance to it, making future consumption taste ‘less spicy’ even if it’s the same amount. Or maybe, you just stop liking the taste.

Something similar happens when you use the same e-cig flavor for a long time. You lose taste for it. The solution is to switch it up, change flavors every now and then to prevent this from happening. A new smell, taste, or sensation can be all the difference in the world. Cbd e-liquid UK for example can be an interesting pick, in case you get tired of your old flavors. The best thing about vaping is that you have thousands of flavors to choose from. Why not experiment a bit, see what the world has to offer?

A Case of Dehydration

Oral dryness can be caused by smoking – both with traditional cigarettes and electronic ones. Ever experienced being really thirsty, and trying to eat something? The taste ends up being very bland and even hard to take in. Same thing works during vaping. A dry mouth makes it harder to discern flavors, hence the feeling of a ‘lack of taste’. The solution is fairly simple, drink water and get some rest going, and try again later. Oral hygiene is a good thing too, so make sure to brush up and take mouthwash afterwards.

History of Smoking Cigarettes

Smoking actual cigarettes have known to disrupt the taste sensation, especially long term use. Vaping is often an option used by smokers trying to stop. This may be the reason for the ‘lack’ of taste one might experience when vaping. The only solution for this is time. The longer you have quit smoking entirely, the more the taste sensations in your mouth will return.



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Emma covers dating and relationships for Unfinished Man, bringing a witty woman's perspective to her writing. She empowers independent women to pursue fulfillment in life and love. Emma draws on her adventures in modern romance and passion for self-improvement to deliver relatable advice.

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