Many of us enjoy starting a new year with grand goals in mind. But come this time of the year, you may be feeling burnt out on your goals or realizing they weren’t all that they were cracked up to be. So what do you do now? 

Why not add a few hobbies to your lifestyle? Hobbies can give us meaning and fulfillment by speaking to our identities and hopes for ourselves. If you’re feeling like this year isn’t going as planned, shaking things up with a new hobby could be just what you need. 

Check out these top tips for recommended hobbies for an active lifestyle. 

1) Skating 

Skating in any form, from figure skating and rollerblading to skateboarding, can be a fantastic low-cost hobby. The buy-in cost is typically a board, men’s skates, or ice skates.  Because rollerblading and ice skating principles are similar, rollerblading will make ice skating much easier. You can take lessons, join groups, and even compete as you progress. 

2) Dancing 

Dancing has been known to improve heart health, bone strength, and weight management. Dancing is not only great exercise, but it is also a lot of fun. 

There are numerous types of dancing, ranging from ballroom to hip-hop. Taking different dancing classes will help you figure out which style of dancing best suits you, and you may even make new friends.  

3) Walking  

Routine brisk walking is fantastic for weight loss and overall physical health. A study done by Harvard found that people who walked 8,000 steps per day were about half as likely to die for any reason — especially heart disease — as those who walked 4,000 steps per day. 

While walking may not appear to be the most enjoyable way to spend your leisure time, clubs and outdoor hiking make it a fun and flexible way to promote health and wellness. 

4) Raising a Pet 

Animals are said to improve both physical and mental well-being. Having a pet lowers one’s risk of depression, stress, and anxiety. On a physical level, having a pet has been shown to lower blood pressure and keep you active. 

5) Reading 

Feeling bored? Open a book! 

The benefits of reading are too good to ignore. Reading has been shown to boost intellectual stimulation, relieve stress, improve cognitive function and concentration. Reading a good book is not only enjoyable and entertaining; it also generates a sense of calm and well-being. 

6) Writing 

Journaling, blogging, and perhaps creative writing can be used as a form of self-expression. It has been proven that writing for pleasure reduces stress and improves sleep. If you choose to start sharing your writing with the public, it’s also a great way to meet new people with similar interests. 

7) Traveling 

Anyone who enjoys exploring or trying something new will find taking a trip extremely satisfying. Traveling and discovering different cultures broadens your horizons and encourages self-discovery. It allows you to meet and engage with other people, which will enable you to learn and grow. Traveling keeps you engaged and active.  

8) Gardening 

Gardening has a lot of surprising health benefits. It has been proven that getting your hands dirty can help reduce stress and boost self-esteem. It’s also a great way to get some exercise while improving your grip strength and agility. You may even find yourself growing delicious vegetables that make it easy to stick to your healthy eating resolutions. 

Improving Your Life with Hobbies

As you move forward into 2022, give yourself the gift of health and wellness by taking up a new hobby. When you’re bored or stressed out, instead of spending time in front of a screen, try one of these healthy hobbies to improve your overall well-being.



Life Advice

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Jared writes lifestyle content for Unfinished Man with an edgy, provocative voice. His passion for tattoos informs his unique perspective shaped by self-expression. Jared's knack for storytelling and ability to connect with readers delivers entertaining takes on modern manhood.

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