How to Turn a Nasty Fight into the Best Makeup Sex

Your emotions, anxiety, and jealousy have taken the toll on your love relationship and resulted in a conflict with the Missus. The girlfriend has just thrown your new iPhone in the toilet because of a snapchat she saw and now you are honestly worried that might not be the only thing winding up in the toilet.

What will be your next move to calm this raging storm? You better think fast. By going the right way, you might just be able to tame this beast and then reap the benefits of having one of the best sexual experiences; the one and only “Make up Sex”.

According to George on Seinfeld, “Conjugal sex, the second best sex to have, fugitive sex being first and make-up sex being third”. Well, unless you have been so ‘lucky’ to date a convict, then you are left with make up sex. Let us see how this phenomenon works, and why you shouldn’t miss out on one of the best resolutions of a fight.

The Make Up Sex Phenomenon

According to the American Psychological Association, there is some evidence for heightened sexual attraction when there is a situation or condition of anxiety. Apparently, when you are fighting it can cause a stimulating or heightened arousal which can be transferred over to the sexual experience. It is simply just moving one stimulating condition to the next situation which will ultimately lead to an amazing sex.

How to Remedy the Conflict

One of the most difficult aspects of fighting and attempting to resolve the problem is that each of us are all so different in how we approach a fight and how we deal with being hurt. Even though we are all so different in how we perceive and behave, all of us can get ahead by being real, honest, shedding the ego, and basically trying to look from the perspective of your better half.

Three very important traits to have in resolving the conflict are honesty, empathy, and just being mature.

Being Honest

Honesty is one of the best things to sooth the soul and will help both of you guys make peace. There is no better time to get things out in the open then during/after a fight. Be honest with yourself and tell your girl exactly how you are either hurt or why you might of made a mistake. The quicker you get this over with, the faster the transfer of bad energy to the positive energy in the sheets is going to happen.

Practicing Empathy

Empathy is a no-brainer but somehow it is very hard for people to put into practice in relationships. Attempting to understand how your girl is feeling can help you do the right thing and also be more humbling after a fight.

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It can slow down your antagonistic approach and the “must win” attitude. While slowing things down and trying to understand her and the situation will surely get you on your way to some hanky panky.

Be a Mature Gentleman

It goes without saying that the only way to win a woman’s heart back, is to be mature and own up to your actions. Understand what you did and tell her you made a mistake. Own your actions, stop being a child and be the man your girl has signed up for. The longer you act like a child and try to “win” the conflict; you will be getting farther and farther away from the bedroom and the uninhibited actions that result in emotionally charged makeup sex.

Post Make Up Sex

Make up sex is just an amazing reward we get after an emotional draining rollercoaster of fighting. The real work is after the orgasm and pizza. The ability to rebuild after a breakup is the real challenge and is obviously not as easy as getting to make up sex.

Having conflicts are simply part of any relationship and once you both are able to accept this, enjoy the sex, and put the time into rebuilding; then maybe you might enjoy the next makeup romp.




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Santiago writes about the fascinating, unexpected side of life for Unfinished Man. He explores intriguing subcultures, people, and trends that reveal the weirdness hiding below the surface. Santiago provides an insider’s perspective shaped by his own experiences pushing boundaries and embracing the unconventional. His curiosity and passion for storytelling give readers a glimpse into unfamiliar worlds.

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