Why are We Not Sleeping Even When We Know that We Should?

According to a survey conducted by Opinion Matters on 5,007 adults in the UK in January 2013, on behalf of The Sleep Council, 70% of Britons are sleeping for seven hours or less per night, while more than 27% of the adults are experiencing poor quality of sleep regularly. The survey added that since 2010, there had been a dramatic increase in Britons sleeping for just 5-6 hours per night.

But why is a good night’s sleep so important? Statistics might reveal why a person needs to make an effort to improve their sleeping habits. After getting a good night’s sleep, 41% of Britons felt positive, 33% felt happy, and the remaining felt productive.

Expert at Guzel Dezayns, known for their high-quality white embroidered bedding sets, stated that just like the pillows, the entire bedding set is an essential factor that contributes to a good night’s sleep, which, unfortunately, most people overlook. They further added that paying for beautiful high-quality bedding sets to get a relaxing sleep will be the most important investment one can make towards their health and well-being.

Why are We Not Sleeping?

Many people rely on large amounts of caffeine in tea or coffee to get through the day. Insomnia is common among people whose daily intake of caffeine exceeds 600mg a day. Stress and anxiety in our daily lives are also major contributors to insomnia.

Those who consume alcohol regularly might have noticed that while it can immediately make them feel sleepy, after some time, other effects start becoming apparent. Since alcohol acts as a diuretic, it increases the production of urine. This leads one to wake up several times a night to empty the bladder, disrupting sleep.

How can we forget the role of technology in disrupting sleep? Many people are in the habit of watching their favorite TV show before they sleep. A gripping show is not only psychologically stimulating, but the blue light from most TV screens makes the brain believe it is still daytime, restricting us from sleeping.

Consequences of Not Sleeping

If you are experiencing excessive sleepiness, daytime fatigue, yawning, and irritability during the day, without a doubt, you are sleep deprived. Lack of adequate sleep can make you feel groggy and grumpy, which can easily annoy people around you. The importance of getting proper sleep cannot be overlooked.

According to research published by NHS, sleeping less than six hours a night makes us 12% more likely to die prematurely than someone who sleeps up to eight hours. Scary. Just like food and oxygen to survive, our body needs proper sleep to function well. During sleep, our body heals itself and restores its chemical balance. It is also the time when our brain creates new connections and retains memory. Over time, with the lack of sleep, our mental abilities are drained, and our physical health is put at risk, making us prone to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

However, if you are facing problems in sleeping, improve your “sleep hygiene” by taking electrical devices like TVs and laptops out of the bedroom while keeping the space dark and warm. Add a touch of comfort and luxury to aid sleep with beautiful, high-quality, designer bedding sets and collections.



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Santiago writes about the fascinating, unexpected side of life for Unfinished Man. He explores intriguing subcultures, people, and trends that reveal the weirdness hiding below the surface. Santiago provides an insider’s perspective shaped by his own experiences pushing boundaries and embracing the unconventional. His curiosity and passion for storytelling give readers a glimpse into unfamiliar worlds.

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