“Movie Poster Mashup Art” by Jaemy Choong

You know something is good when you have trouble coming up with a title for it… when it defies brief description. But that wouldn’t be very sporting of me, so I’m going to try anyway. Here is what you’re looking at…

Artist Jaemy Choong has taken posters of movies, and matched them up to people doing the actions in real life. Yeah, sorry… that’s all I’ve got, and I think it’s pretty accurate. Unfortunately this didn’t translate so well into a title, so that explains that. Anyway, just go enjoy the whatever-the-hell-these-are.


Ever tried sitting on one of these exercise balls? I used one as a chair for a year, and let me tell you… Arnie would have trouble shooting anyone with the way these things move around. I don’t care if he’s a cybernetic organism, he would still have trouble.


I once watched an adult video that featured this fine character. I’ll never be able to un-see it, and I really can’t recommend the experience for any of you that are curious. Trust me on this one… just don’t do it.


Did you know that Gerard Butler would get wasted on the weekends between training sessions and absolutely piss off all his trainers? It’s a miracle he got into such good shape for the movie.


I’ve also seen an adult movie for Edward Scissorhands, which – now that I’m typing this out – is probably a little sad.


Anyone else think this looks a bit like Nathan Fillion?


Well, this seems like a bit of a stretch.


I’ve seen this movie no less than a 100 times, and yet I remember very little of the movie. That was one of the darker periods of my life…


I thought that Guardians of the Galaxy looked absolutely terrible, but… everyone keeps telling me to see it, so I’m going to buckle and watch it. If I hate it, I blame all of you.


Pacific Rim is one of the few movies my girlfriend couldn’t stand to watch. This and Lincoln, they’re her cryptonite.


As always, this is only a small sample of Jaemy’s entire collection. He’s been incredibly prolific with creating these… things. Yes, I’m still not exactly sure what to call them, since “mashup” generally implies that they’re a mix of two movies, not a mix of movie posters and real life.

No matter, you can see the rest of his work on his official website.



Art & Photography

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Chad is the co-founder of Unfinished Man, a leading men's lifestyle site. He provides straightforward advice on fashion, tech, and relationships based on his own experiences and product tests. Chad's relaxed flair makes him the site's accessible expert for savvy young professionals seeking trustworthy recommendations on living well.

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