Investigating Investments: Where You Should Be Putting Your Money in 2017

Investing and playing with the stock markets has been a favored pastime, and profession, of people for generations. It can bring financial success. It can bring a good reputation. Yes, it can also bring the exact opposite of those things too, financial ruin and a bad reputation, but because of that it also brings something else. It brings fun. It brings a level of uncertainty that some people enjoy and even thrive off. If this is you then make sure to check out where you should be investing your investment efforts this year.

And where better a place to start than somewhere that you probably are very familiar with: The fact that this is already a giant in the world wide web of the Internet shouldn’t put you off or make you think this investment ship has sailed. The fact that it has, of late, been dabbling in cloud computing means it is now moving towards artificial intelligence. This has already been realized through the creation and distribution of the Amazon Echo. More and more people are welcoming this kind of AI into their homes. And with Amazon seemingly only just getting started in the field who knows what they will create next. But we do know that whatever is created won’t be short of demand. Value Line forecasts that Amazon’s revenues could rise 19.5% per annum over the coming few years.

But if you’re more of a traditionalist when it comes to the stock market and investing. If you don’t wish to focus your efforts in the online sector. Then there are still a plethora of possibilities in the field of oil and energy. But in this field there is seemingly only one thing to invest in at this current period of time: shale energy. It is a natural gas that has become an increasingly important source of energy in the U.S. And it’s importance to life has translated to popularity in the stocks. Oil and Energy Investor detailed it here: shale energy is booming. It has a proven track record of success — it’s stock has skyrocketed like no other in recent years (455%, to be in fact) — which means it’s potential for ROI is huge. If you want to channel your inner-J.R. Ewing and go old school with your investing by dabbling in the energy market, then shale is where you should turn to.

The question is will President Trump’s policies bring about a crash in the stock market? As of yet, the stock market has protected itself and seems tentatively safe. But who knows what will happen in the future? Maybe the recent changes in U.S. government, and even the other huge changes around the world, will impact the investments. But investment can never be made on maybes. So, if you’re dipping your toe in the world of investing this year, take that advice away from this article if nothing else. Don’t waste your money on maybes. You can’t invest on maybes!



Power & Money

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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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