Ice Breakers Cool Blasts: Innovation at Last

If you’re a human being, you’ve suffered from bad breath at some point or other. Perhaps you have it RIGHT NOW! That’s the problem that Ice Breakers has striven to solve for as long as they’ve been a company. But Ice Breakers understands that you’re not just some slag who’ll buy the same old thing over and over. Nope. You need novelty just as much as you need fresh breath. So for the seen-it-all individual with heinous breath getting carried down wind, Ice Breakers Cool Blasts are here for you.

Ice Breakers Cool Blasts are different. Not gum, not a mint. They’re sort of like a mix between gum and a mint. It might now sound like much to say it that way, but your mouth (and the mouth of anyone else that touches your mouth) will know the difference. Ice Breakers knows that you will only accept true innovation, not just the same old thing. In their ad, they go through some of humankind’s most familiar things: high fives, air guitar solos, the motorcycle. Ice Breakers’ memorable commercial character instantly disparages them all. The high five? Just a punch and a handshake. The motorcycle? Just a motor on a scooter.

But the old man is blown away by Ice Breakers Cool Blasts, and the implication is that you will be also. It’s a great thing for mouths of all shapes and sizes, especially if they are smelling like bad. Pop an Ice Breakers Cool Blast whenever the occasion calls, or even if you just want the pleasant tingling sensation that you and I love so much. It’s a thing to be enjoyed for any reason at all. That’s why they’re available in stores all around the country and the world. So get you some. You’ll love Ice Breakers Cool Blasts.




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Emma covers dating and relationships for Unfinished Man, bringing a witty woman's perspective to her writing. She empowers independent women to pursue fulfillment in life and love. Emma draws on her adventures in modern romance and passion for self-improvement to deliver relatable advice.

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