How To Paint Your Car Flat Black For Cheap

Ever felt the urge to give your car a new, bold look? If so, you’re not alone – even celebrities like Justin Bieber have gone for a matte black finish on their cars. Using my experience as an automotive enthusiast and extensive research, I found that painting your vehicle flat black can be cost-effective and rewarding if done correctly.

This comprehensive guide will take you through the necessary steps to achieve that sleek matte look on your own– it’s easier than you’d think! Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

Matte black paint for cars offers a unique and sleek aesthetic appeal, turning heads wherever you go.

Unlike glossy paint, matte finishes hide scratches better, making maintenance easier.

Specialized care products are required to maintain the appearance of matte black paint and avoid damaging the finish.

Painting your car flat black requires several steps, such as washing, dry sanding, masking off areas, and applying multiple coats of matte black paint.

What is Matte Black Paint for Cars?

flat black car

Matte black paint for cars is a unique type of automotive coating that breaks the mold with its non-glossy finish. In contrast to glossy black paint’s reflective sheen, matte black adopts a subtler, more subdued appearance – think Darth Vader’s TIE fighter or the stealthy B-2 Bomber.

It’s all about achieving that sleek and flat look akin to your favorite leather jacket. Quality matters greatly in attaining this effect; consistent ingredients in the paint mixture contribute significantly to a smooth finish.

Being moisture-resistant adds to its appeal – you wouldn’t have to worry anytime it rains or when giving your car a wash. Drying time may differ based on factors like original paint type and state of cleanliness, but most adopters find it worth the wait for an outcome that screams style and sophistication.

Brands such as Rust-Oleum 332289 are favored for their quick drying times and durable coverage, while options like Dupli-Color ECWRC7947 offer reliable resistance against signs of wear.

However, before getting swept away by visions of driving around town with your newly-painted matte black beast, be sure to consult manufacturer guidelines first for any specific recommendations on car modifications involving paints such as these.

Advantages of Matte Black Paint

matte black bmw

Matte black paint for cars offers a unique aesthetic appeal, hides scratches better, and does not require claying or polishing.

Unique Aesthetic Appeal

Unleashing the cool factor of your ride starts with a matte black paint job. It’s a sleek choice that screams unique aesthetic appeal, turning heads wherever you go. Just envision classic icons like the Batmobile or Darth Vader’s TIE fighter – there’s an undeniable allure to their no-nonsense, bold aesthetics characterized by matte finishes.

The muted sheen of this non-glossy variant adds to the understated sophistication, setting it apart from its glossy counterparts.

As for your vehicle, think about how this flat finish can make it stand out among other cars in a parking lot or on the highway. Whether you’re driving a Mercedes-Benz or Hyundai’s Genesis division model, applying quality Matte Black Paint for Cars amps up its style quotient several notches higher.

Remember when Justin Bieber spruced up his car with this trendy shade? Suddenly he was not just another guy with a fancy ride; his car became an extension of his edgy and unconventional style personality.

Beyond enhancing your personal brand, delivering superior resistance to moisture ensures long-term durability and resilience against elements so that your car continues looking great over time! Each stroke I apply will result in smooth coverage without traces of brush marks – thanks to my trusty product pick: Rust-Oleum 332289.

This product is fast-drying and assures unrivaled protection – which means less frequent touch-ups and better retention of that stunning aesthetic appeal.

Hides Scratches Better

One significant advantage of choosing matte black paint for your car is its superpower to hide those pesky scratches. It’s no secret that even minor dings and nicks can ruin the aesthetic appeal of your glossy finishes, but with matte black paint, these imperfections blend right in.

By diffusing light rather than reflecting it like gloss paints do, scratches on a matte finish are less noticeable to the naked eye. This unique attribute translates into less time spent worrying about maintenance or rushing to the body shop every time a stray shopping cart comes too close to your ride.

Whether you’re cruising around town in your Mercedes-Benz or tearing up the backroads in a vehicle as iconic as Batman’s TIE fighter, rest assured that your car maintains its sleek look despite minor blemishes with this trick up its sleeve called Matte Black Paint for Cars.

Does not require claying or polishing

Maintaining a matte black paint job is much simpler compared to glossy finishes, as it does not require claying or polishing. Matte paint has a unique texture that naturally hides micro-scratches and imperfections better than glossy paint.

This means you can skip the time-consuming and potentially damaging process of claying or polishing your car’s surface. Instead, you can focus on regular cleaning and using specialized care products designed specifically for matte finishes to ensure its longevity and pristine appearance.

So, keeping your car looking sleek and stylish becomes even easier with matte black paint!

Disadvantages of Matte Black Paint

matte black lexus

Matte black paint comes with its fair share of challenges that car enthusiasts should be aware of. From maintenance difficulties to the need for special detailing products, keeping a uniform appearance can be quite a task.

But don’t worry; I’ve got you covered with all the details in my latest blog post!

Maintenance Challenges

Maintaining a matte black paint job on your car can present some unique challenges. One of the main difficulties is that matte finishes require more frequent cleaning and maintenance to ensure their quality over time.

Unlike glossy paint, which reflects light and helps hide imperfections, a matte finish does not have this ability. This means that scratches, nicks, dents, and chips may be more visibly noticeable on your matte black car.

Additionally, detailing products designed for glossy paint can negatively affect the appearance of a matte finish, so it’s crucial to use specialized care products specifically formulated for maintaining matte finishes.

Special Detailing Products Required

To maintain the unique and stunning appearance of your matte black-painted car, special detailing products are required. Unlike glossy finishes, matte paint requires specific care to avoid damaging its delicate texture.

Regular car wash soaps or waxes designed for glossy paint can actually harm the finish of a matte black car. Therefore, it is essential to invest in high-quality detailing products specifically formulated for matte finishes.

These specialized products will help preserve the flat look of your car while providing necessary protection against scratches and other surface imperfections.

Difficulty in keeping a uniform appearance

Maintaining a consistent and even appearance with matte black paint can be quite challenging. Unlike glossy finishes that reflect light uniformly, matte finishes tend to absorb light, which can highlight any imperfections on the surface of your car.

This means that any scratches, chips, or uneven patches on your paint job will be more noticeable with a matte finish. It’s important to keep in mind that even small changes in lighting conditions can affect how your car looks, making it difficult to achieve a perfectly uniform appearance.

Taking extra care when parking and avoiding rough driving conditions can help minimize these issues and keep your matte black paint looking its best for longer periods of time.

Comparatively Expensive

Matte black paint for cars may enhance your vehicle’s appearance, but it comes at a cost. Compared to traditional glossy paint finishes, matte finishes are relatively expensive. While glossy paints are the standard option offered by most vehicle manufacturers and can be found at affordable prices, matte finishes require specialized products and techniques that drive up the overall cost.

Repainting your car with a high-quality matte finish can set you back several thousand dollars, whereas glossy paint jobs typically range around the $1,000 mark. So if you’re considering the sleek and unique look of matte black paint for your car, keep in mind that it might come with a higher price tag compared to other options available in the market.

Steps to Paint a Car Matte Black

flat black ferrari

To paint your car matte black, follow these simple steps: Wash the car to remove dirt and debris. Dry sand the surface to expose bare metal. Mask off areas like the windshield that you don’t want to paint.

Apply several light coats of matte black paint, allowing each coat to dry before applying the next one.

Washing the car

To start the process of painting your car flat black, it’s important to thoroughly wash the vehicle. This step ensures that all dirt, debris, and grime are removed from the surface, creating a clean canvas for the paint application.

Using a high-quality car wash soap and a microfiber cloth or sponge, gently scrub away any dirt in circular motions. Pay close attention to areas prone to buildup, like tires and wheel wells.

Rinse off the soap with a hose or pressure washer until the water runs clear. Make sure to dry the car completely using a clean microfiber towel or chamois to prevent water spots or streaks. This step is crucial for achieving an even and smooth matte finish on your car.

Dry Sanding to Expose Bare Metal

To achieve a flawless matte black paint job on your car, one crucial step is dry sanding to expose the bare metal. This process involves using fine-grit sandpaper to remove any existing paint or imperfections, allowing for better adhesion of the new matte black paint.

By creating a smooth and clean surface, you’re ensuring that the final finish will be even and long-lasting. Just remember to use caution while sanding and wear protective gear, such as goggles and a mask, to avoid inhaling harmful particles.

With proper dry sanding preparation, you’ll be one step closer to giving your car that sleek and stylish matte black look it deserves.

Masking the Windshield and No-paint Areas

To ensure a clean and professional-looking paint job, it is crucial to properly mask off the windshield and any areas of the car that should not be painted. This step is essential in preventing overspray or accidental paint damage.

Using high-quality masking tape, carefully cover the edges of the windshield and any other sections that need protection. Take your time to ensure a tight seal, as this will prevent paint from seeping onto these areas during application.

Remember, precision is key when it comes to masking off no-paint zones for a flawless matte black finish on your car.

Painting Process

Now that you have prepped your car, it’s time to start painting! Start by applying a primer coat to ensure good adhesion and even coverage. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying times between coats.

Once the primer is dry, move on to the matte black paint.

Using a spray gun or paintbrush, apply an even layer of matte black paint in smooth, overlapping strokes. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and wear proper safety equipment. Allow each coat of paint to dry completely before applying additional layers.

For optimal results, aim for around three coats of matte black paint for full coverage. Once you are satisfied with the color intensity and finish, allow the final coat of paint to dry thoroughly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Matte Paint Care

flat black lambo

To properly care for matte paint, follow these dos and don’ts, as well as specific guidelines for washing your car. Remember to use products designed specifically for matte finishes.

Dos and Don’ts

When it comes to painting your car flat black, there are some important dos and don’ts to keep in mind. Here’s a list of key considerations to ensure a successful paint job:

  1. DO thoroughly wash your car before starting the painting process. This will remove any dirt, grime, or wax that could interfere with the adhesion of the paint.
  2. DO dry sand the surface of your car to expose bare metal. This is an important step to ensure proper adhesion of the paint. Use a sanding block or orbital sander with fine-grit sandpaper for best results.
  3. DO mask off areas like the windshield and other no-paint zones to protect them from overspray during the painting process. Cover these areas with plastic sheeting and secure them with painter’s tape.
  4. DO follow the recommended painting process for matte black paint, which may involve applying multiple coats for an even finish. Be sure to read and follow the instructions provided by the paint manufacturer.
  5. DON’T rush through the painting process. Take your time and apply thin, even coats of paint to avoid drips or uneven coverage.
  6. DON’T forget to let each coat of paint dry completely before applying additional coats or handling the painted surface. This will help prevent smudging or marring the finish.
  7. DON’T use traditional automotive wax on matte black paint. Instead, opt for specialized matte paint care products that are designed specifically for this type of finish.
  8. DON’T use abrasive cleaning tools or harsh chemicals on your matte black painted surface, as they can damage or dull the finish over time.
  9. DON’T ignore any scratches, chips, or dents that may occur on your matte black painted surface. Address them promptly using touch-up paint matched to your car’s color code.
  10. DON’T forget that regular maintenance is key when it comes to preserving the quality and appearance of matte black paint. Be prepared to invest time and effort into keeping your car looking its best.

Washing Guidelines

To maintain the sleek and flawless look of your matte black car paint, it is crucial to follow proper washing guidelines. Start by using a gentle pH-neutral car wash soap and a soft microfiber sponge or cloth to avoid scratching the surface.

Avoid using abrasive materials such as brushes or harsh chemicals that can damage the finish. Also, make sure to rinse off any dirt or debris before beginning the washing process to prevent scratching.

After washing, use a clean microfiber towel to gently dry the car, making sure not to rub too hard. Regularly cleaning your matte black paint will help preserve its unique aesthetic appeal and ensure long-lasting durability without compromising its flat finish.

Frequently Asked Questions About Painting Your Car Flat Black for Cheap

Can I paint my car flat black using regular spray paint?

Using regular spray paint to achieve a flat black finish on your car is not recommended. Flat or matte finishes require specific types of automotive-grade paints that provide the desired texture and durability.

How do I prepare my car for painting it flat black?

Preparing your car for a flat black paint job involves thoroughly cleaning the surface, removing any existing coatings or rust, sanding down imperfections, applying primer, and masking off areas you don’t want to be painted.

Do I need special equipment to paint my car flat black?

While professional-grade automotive painting equipment is ideal for achieving the best results, it is possible to paint your car flat black with basic tools such as sandpaper, brushes or rollers (depending on the size of the area), painter’s tape, and high-quality automotive-grade spray cans if preferred.

Is it necessary to apply a clear coat after painting my car flat black?

Applying a clear coat over your freshly painted flat black finish can help protect it from UV rays and other environmental factors while providing a glossy sheen if desired. However, some individuals prefer leaving the finish as is without adding a clear coat for a more authentic matte look.


In conclusion, painting your car flat black can be a rewarding DIY project that adds a unique and stylish touch to your vehicle. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article and taking proper care of your matte black paint, you can achieve a sleek and eye-catching look that will turn heads on the road.

Don’t forget to regularly clean and maintain your paint to keep it looking its best!




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Faisal is the cofounder and automotive photographer at Unfinished Man. He provides insider perspectives on the latest rides through his acclaimed photography. Faisal also serves as the site's watch expert, staying on the pulse of emerging timepieces. His seasoned eye for men's lifestyle products makes him an authoritative voice.

27 comments on “How To Paint Your Car Flat Black For Cheap”

  1. HI there i just wanted to say you did a great job your car looks great.
    I want to do this to my car also but i am a little nervous to do it because it looks pretty hard. Was it pretty challenging to do this because your car looks professionally done and i want mine to look like that as well.

    Thanks and i hope to hear from you

  2. HI there i just wanted to say you did a great job your car looks great.
    I want to do this to my car also but i am a little nervous to do it because it looks pretty hard. Was it pretty challenging to do this because your car looks professionally done and i want mine to look like that as well.

    Thanks and i hope to hear from you

  3. Hey Trevor,

    This car was done by a member of another site but I have looked into vinyl(ing) cars and it isn’t as easy as that guy says it is. You just need a lot of patience and time and if some parts don’t look good, don’t be afraid to rip it up and do it again.

    I suggest doing a practice run on small areas, just to get the hang of it.

    Let us know how your project goes and we might even do an article on it, good luck.

  4. Hey Trevor,

    This car was done by a member of another site but I have looked into vinyl(ing) cars and it isn’t as easy as that guy says it is. You just need a lot of patience and time and if some parts don’t look good, don’t be afraid to rip it up and do it again.

    I suggest doing a practice run on small areas, just to get the hang of it.

    Let us know how your project goes and we might even do an article on it, good luck.

  5. The Vinyl is made by a company called Oracal, I can’t remember the exact product number but I did go to one of their distributors and the price was around $40/square yard of the flat black material.

    The BMW guy got a discount because his friend buys a lot of material from Oracal, I think it’ll cost around $250 in material if you don’t get a discount.

  6. The Vinyl is made by a company called Oracal, I can’t remember the exact product number but I did go to one of their distributors and the price was around $40/square yard of the flat black material.

    The BMW guy got a discount because his friend buys a lot of material from Oracal, I think it’ll cost around $250 in material if you don’t get a discount.

  7. The Vinyl is made by a company called Oracal, I can’t remember the exact product number but I did go to one of their distributors and the price was around $40/square yard of the flat black material.

    The BMW guy got a discount because his friend buys a lot of material from Oracal, I think it’ll cost around $250 in material if you don’t get a discount.

  8. hey mike im very intrested in this vinyl do u know were u got the product from?
    i have a 2 door silverado do uknow how much it would cost me?

  9. Hey nice job ! Looks like a professionnal one!
    I want to do this on my 2011 Scion tC, but when I searched on the internet for prices, it was always in the 2000s and over..! Is the Oracal product the same quality as the famous 3M vinyl wrap? Thanks in advance!

    • My parents own a shop that does vinyl decals, signs and cars, and I did vinyl there for about 4 years. We use mostly Oracal because it’s inexpensive and pretty good, but 3M does tend to last a little longer. The vinyl will shrink over time with exposure to the sun and heat, so whatever brand you use make sure that you wrap around the edges leaving a little extra material for shrinkage, and if you have to overlap the material anywhere, lay the lower portion first, so that the top overlaps. This helps keep water and crap from making the edges start to peel. You should plan to have to do it again in a few years. Different products advertise different life spans, but you should be good for around 5 years. Some kind of citrus cleaner helps remove the residue pretty easy. And the application fluid is easy to make too, if you don’t want to buy it. I think it’ll be so much water with a few drops of dish soap, pretty much, but you can look up a recipe online.

  10. It looks amazing bro I’ve been thinking in while to put a flat black in mine too but I wasn’t sure but now u gave me the last idea I have a 335 and now I’m in to put it.Really appreciate your car bless

  11. So I was wondering if there is any step by step instruction out there or anything for the best way to do this yourself? And how long does it last? subject to weather? etc?

    • The source for pictures, e90 post, shows somewhat of a guide but it’s not step-by-step. But from what I’ve learned over the years about any DIY project, whatever they say on forums about how long a project will take, plan on spending 2 to 3 times that on the project.

  12. I have a 2k13 Charger R/T im thinking about doing this to. I would try it myself but dont think itll turn out right. Does anyone know a professional thatll do it?

    • You should check with your local car shops, a lot of places that install body kits, sound systems etc should be able to do it for you. But make sure they’ve done it before.

  13. Looks great! I am looking to do the same thing but I am looking for the more durable 360 ARMRX option. The one that is matte black that can’t be scratched or chiped. Does anyone have a vehicle that has the 360 ARMRX applied? If so please post how you like it. Thanks! Again the Beamer looks great!

  14. I was googling WHY people do this?? I couldnt find anything but that its the new trend. I never really understood trends other than one person does something different and others join in then when everyone is doing it, then it is
    “sooo yesterday”. Can someone explain this to me. Surely there has to be a reason right, like a statement or something? At least I hope there is a reason.

    • I don’t think there is a reason for any trend, people just do it. It is a cheaper way to paint your car flat black and it’s not permanent, which leads us to the questions of why people paint their cars flat black….

  15. I havent looked too much into vinyling yet but I would really like to do it with my car! I had a question, though. My paint has mostly minor scratches throughout it, some deeper than others. Is it recommended to buff most of the scratches out or is it ok to apply as is?

  16. I had these crooks from 360 ARMRX coat a vehicle for me and yeah sure it looks awesome but the price was hefty. Another thing is don’t let them fool you- it’s 100% the same product as the reputable LINE-X product line, the only difference is that 360 ARMRX is a scam outfit. The LINE-X option will run half the price and it will be done by a company that is open 6 days a week and well need I say more? It’s LINE-X a real company. 360 ARMRX is a scam. I could tell you stories believe me.


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