How Hollywood is Distorting Reality

Pick a random weekend at the theater and you could be watching movies about how a geeky teen can turn into a superhero thanks to a freak accident, or how love can conquer anything. Some movies are clearly fantasy.

We’re sure no one’s going to run out and start searching for radioactive spiders to help them get the results they can’t get at the gym. However, many more Hollywood movies are presented as realistic depictions of possible events. You are led to believe that you, too, could meet the love of your life on the back of a boat, or that you could become a millionaire with the right stock pick.

Life Doesn’t Work Like This…

Unfortunately, the reality is much different. Watching too many of the wrong movies can start to distort your view of what life should actually look like — maybe even making you think that everyone else is doing really well while you are failing to find the “true love” that rides in on a white horse against a backdrop of fireworks.

Here are just a few of the popular movies that portrayed a distorted reality:

Pretty Woman

By now, a lot of people have had enough distance to see this movie for what it was: a fairy tale. But not everyone has.


When it was released, it was wildly popular, and it made women everywhere believe that “true love” could conquer anything — even crippling commitment issues, a huge socioeconomic divide, and the fact that one of you had a rather politically incorrect job. And it can do all that in the space of about a week.

Empire Records

After finding out that the record store they work at is going to close, a group of disaffected teens decides to stick it to the man and hold a benefit concert to save the place — all while entertaining an arrogant and self-involved rock star.


In this alternative world, employees have the run of the place, impromptu concerts are the norm, and everyone is too cool and witty to be believed. If only all our friends were so hip.

Knocked Up

If this movie were to believed, schlubby stoners everywhere have a chance with Type A, successful, statuesque beauties. All you need to do is be nice!


Sure, the couple is pushed together after having one fateful night, but ultimately, they fall in love and live happily ever after. In reality, these two would likely have never spoken again.

Friends with Benefits

Sure, two friends could definitely fall in love after trying out a casual relationship and finding it has led to something more. But in real life, couples don’t get together after declaring their love with a huge flash mob in the middle of a subway terminal.

In-Theaters 1-Sheet

A painfully awkward speech and maybe some flowers would about do it.

Romantic movies are the most common offenders when it comes to Hollywood movies presenting distorted visions of real life. However, you can find these types of movies everywhere.

If you are just looking for a little bit of entertainment that doesn’t make you question things too hard, these might be just fine. The best way to tell what you’re in for is to find a site with good, honest movie reviews and read carefully. Expert reviews will quickly call shenanigans on the fantasy presentation. However, if there is something worthwhile in the story, you’ll learn that, too.



Movies & TV

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Rasha writes about family, parenting, and home décor for Unfinished Man. Drawing from her experiences raising her own kids, she provides tips on creating warm, welcoming spaces. Rasha also shares home staging expertise to help transform houses into magazine-worthy dream homes.

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