Our Favorite Crowdfunding Projects

We write about Kickstarter campaigns and crowdfunding successes here at Unfinished Man because we love free enterprise, great ideas, and inventions.

Imagine the excitement of sharing your idea to change the world – in a big or small way – and receiving money from investors who believe in you! The excitement of Kickstarter is a two-way street: you give rewards to the people who fund the project, so they’re co-investors in making your dream come true!

Goals for your Kickstarter campaign should be achievable because it’s important to achieve your initial fundraise goal. When the goal is achieved or exceeded, Kickstarter gives you the money to fund your dream. (The inverse is also true: if you don’t reach the fundraising goal, Kickstarter won’t turn over money to you.)

Our Favorite Kickstarter Projects

Some of our favorite Kickstarter ideas include Tailors of Atlas, a premium denim company that designs jeans for athletic men (Note: Kickstarter launch today!); Hey Joe Coffee Mug, a container that actually allows coffee-drinkers to brew fresh coffee on the go. It’s a perfect solution for some of us who must drink coffee in the morning; and some theatrical types from New York University named Unlikely Allies. We hope they got all the funding they need to bring their version of comedy to the world. (My least favorite sketch was the one where the kid’s parents were shot at a surprise birthday party!)

Our Favorite Indiegogo Projects

We also admire some businesses getting funded on Indiegogo: Teddy Love has the capacity to change your life from sad and lonely to happy and coupled! This frisky stuffed animal is perfect for people who shy away from relationships with other humans.

How to get Kickstarted

Bring your idea to life by writing a business plan. Include every detail, including how much capital you’ve got available. Don’t include money needed to live. If you’re employed, it’s possible to use funds from a job to start your project but, once it gets going, you may need to quit. Most people don’t mind this aspect of becoming an entrepreneur.

Plan to advertise the Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign on Facebook or other social sites. Create press releases and send to editors at major publications that relate to your project.

What Rewards Should You Give to Funders

It goes without saying that the project should make the rewards really enticing. For instance, for a fifty dollar contribution, give away a highly desirable, very cool item that will encourage people to donate money.

You can also host an exciting party to kick off the campaign in a local area. Plan to advertise the party in the newspaper, or tweet about the party. It’s also possible to pay others, such as Fiverr professionals, to post or tweet about your launch party. Get the word out to as many people as possible to make your launch as success.

The Fine Print

Provide only honest information about your product or service. Your advocates will feel disappointed if the product doesn’t live up to the hype. It’s always best to undersell and exceed expectations.

After Crowdfunding

The best part about having your own business is that you’re in charge. If your business grows quickly and attracts lots of attention (because you’re adept at getting press coverage and people enthusiastically tell everyone about it), think about the next stage of funding. Maybe it’s time to bring your idea to an angel investor forum or to a venture capital firm. More capital will mean more growth and you’ll be thinking about Wall Street soon.



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I work as a full time hair stylist but love writing about life. I hope to become a full time writer one day and spend all my time sharing my experience with you!

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